I'll meet you at the exit

Aug 20, 2004 09:51

It's Friday.

I just got paid.

The boss in on vacation

& I'm parlaying up in here!

Yo Casey, Maria, Delaney, Rachelle, Claire, JD and YOU! (In case you don't know but I'm sure you do):

Travis Kerschen (brother of Tex & Danny) is having a going away party tonight at the Delafield Warehouse. He's going to Mexico to teach English to a bunch of brown people for a year. Speaking of brown people, Adriana and I will be in attendance. It's a costume party and you know I haaaaaate dressing up in costumes. BUT! I will! Maybe! Probably! Perhaps! ...So you guys should go because I'm thinking of dressing up as a panda bear. Don't you want to see me dressed up as a panda bear?? Maybe JD can dress up as a flock of MEESE. For reals.

[here is a description of the party taken from the msgbrd w. side notes by yours truly]

it's a going away party ---> for travis
it's a costume party ----> panda attack!
it's an indian jewelry party ----> ntx/swarm of angels band music thing
it's a victory party
it's a defeat party
it's a byob party ---> get crunk
it's a free party ---> awesome
it's an all night party ---> that's the only way we know how to do it!
it's a brown reason to live party ---> anna, maria & adriana = la raza!
it's a coming out party
it's a festivus for the rest of us party ---> SEINFELD REFERENCE!
it's a party of the people, for the people by the people party ---> Hallejuah!
it's a revolution will not be televised party
it's the kinda party that takes kindly to strangers
it's the kinda party that floats boats
it's the kinda party that washes away sins
it's the kinda party that washes away sense
it's a blood of the lamb party
it's an angel of death party ---> Slayer reference = good reference
it's a party for our lady of the lake
it's a lake for our lady of the party
it's a party for hob knobbers, knob gobblers and cobblers ----> JD?
do you really need another reason?
bill hicks res. lab.
a.k.a. the delafield warehouse
party party party

Oh! And my checkerboard sweater vest got so many compliments last night, I'm thinking of wearing it everyday. Wait. I already do.

Oh! Oh! The new Built by Wendy fall collection is out. Gorgeous clothes but so freaking expensive. However, the skirt I want has been marked down to a decent price I can, somewhat, afford.

Isn’t it pretty?

I’m really impressed with the Wrangler line too.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I’m going to buy a turntable after being without one for close to a year. Purchasing a turntable means I’m going to start buying vinyl again. Because listening to vinyl is only right and natural.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Shoo, you are missed. Betsi hasn't taken me to any slam poetry outings yet & the cats are loved.
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