For any Lord of the Rings TRAVIS! hahahahaha just kidding...

Jul 05, 2004 22:01

Ok, so I am slightly obsessed with "Lord of the Rings"...and after watching the movies numerous times, I have some of the quotes stuck in my head. Being the weird-o's that we are, me and Lydia have a lot of fun taking a favorite quote and changing it slightly...does anyone else do that? I want to hear them if you do!!

Here are some of the ones Lydia and I have come up with:

First off, we have a kind of porno style one...

Instead of "I would cut of your head, dwarf" we have "I would fuck you in the ass, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher off the ground."

and then you don't even HAVE to change good ole "looks like meats back on the menu boys!" you just have to think about it in a gutter mind way.

Our other "Lord of the Rings" thing, came to us on this 4th of July as we were watching the fire works. We had a whole bag of awesome chocolate huge chewy yummy cookies, and then all of a sudden ONE was left. With this, "one cookie to feed them all.." the "Lord of the Cookies" was born.

My personal favorite is:

"It came to me, it's mine! My own! I BOUGHT coookie !"


Orc 1: "What is it? What do you smell?"
Orc 2: "Cookies! They've gone in the oven!"

Anyway, does anyone else do that kind of thing?? Or is it just us?

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