I have always been in favor ot the death penalty. Even in the days when I considered myself a liberal, I still held fast to the belief that some people, through their acts, forfeit their right to exist in human society. My arguments in favor of the death penalty do not extend from a basis of deterennce. Quite simply, I am in favor of the death penalty because it removes a cancer from society.
I also believe that, for some people, death really isn't good enough. For some people, the gas chamber, hanging, or even the electric chair is just too kind. For some people, I would campaign tirelessly for the reinstatement of public stonings or public scourging until death (if you have seen the movie The Passion, you know what this is). First and foremost on this list are those who murder their children. These are people who have given up the status of human and can only be considered monsters. How dare we call ours a civilized society when we allow these monsters to live and allow them even the smallest of mercies.
These people should die. Here are pages of people who have murdered their children in the most horrific ways. We should, as a society, be ashamed of the punishments they have received for their actions.