Nov 04, 2008 17:07
-Red meat (REALLY red from what I can tell... I hate being fucking colorblind)
-Red wine
-Downfall of the Red States
I hope this need to write lasts for awhile 'cause I'm eating and can't type as fast as I normally would and have a LOT I want to say before I forget it all. So let's roll.
I'm actually very suprised no one asked if I voted today. Since apparently everyone and their fucking brother is asking everywhere else. I do not vote. I've voted ONCE in my life, and that's pretty much because my mom made me so the Township levies could get more votes. I will probably never vote again unless there is an issue that REALLY affects me and even then I'll probably only vote for/against an issue. Voting for politicians is pointless.
First, I want to touch base on the whole "voting is a right" bullshit. Yeah, I grasp that concept, people. Quit beating it into my head. If voting is a right, then there are obviously two sides. I can either excerise my "right" and vote, or not. This is where it gets fun. Some how, the word "right" got switched to "civic duty". Explain this to me. I'm now unpatriotic (haha, I just noticed "riot" in there... did I spell it right?) because I don't vote?
Let me give you all a history lesson. It'll be short and sweet. Its a quote from our FIRST president, George Washington. Not a direct quote 'cause I don't feel like finding it and there were a SHIT load of big/confusing words in the statement. But it was his farewell address to the nation and he WARNED OF POLITICAL PARTIES. So you mean to tell me... I'm not going AGAINST - essentially - the first president of the United States because I'm more or less doing what he told me to do? And yes, I know that is an extremely liberal interpretation of said address, but still. You get the message.
Like all of these stupid goddamn campaign ads that say so and so voted this way but is now saying this and blah blah blah. This enforces my idea that the media now knows we are all idiots and will believe anything we are told. It was my understanding that the way this fucking country works is people become elected (garbage in, garbage out) and do what said electing people want the offical to do. Wow, vague much? Anyway, say Obama voted in the Senate one way and is now trying to do something else.
Break it down before spending millions on a ridiculous ad. And once again, I'm using generalized examples because I'm to damn lazy to research. Just as an example, let's say Obama votes in the Senate to NOT drill offshore. Well, now he's saying we should drill offshore. (I'm pretty sure its McCain saying this, but again, don't care.) An intelligent person can be lead to believe that the people Obama represents at the time he voted did not wish to see said drilling take place. Now that the country is crumbling upon itself... it may not be such a bad idea and better for the greater good. Not just a state.
But do you see what I mean? It's simple micro and macro management. There was some other word I was looking for... microcosim? Eh, whatever. I think you understand what I'm trying to relay here.
Now, I don't vote for a few reasons. One, and probably the only reason (since most others stem from this one) is that I subscribe to George Carlin's train of thought about voting. I've been quoting his ass all damn day. Basically this country was bought and paid for a long fucking time ago and the changing of everything each four years doesn't really amount to shit. I'm about 99.9% sure that the vast majority of my conspiracy theories are true and correct and that we are being guided down the exact path we should be.
Before I go off on that tangent, let me just also say that I feel very strongly that those who vote can't complain. Elected officals are a product of what? Exactly. You put the people in power, you caused the problem, sit down and shut up while I bitch and whine all day. And take good notes, 'cause I'm not as dumb as I look.
Whether its the Illuminati or some other force I don't know, but we are just a small fragment of a greater whole that is this world. Bush, as well as all of the presidents before him and most of the presidents after, are a part of this collective that control us. Higher ranking Senators and a few people from Congress, military officals, high ranking government agency officals... all of 'em. Along with the Vatican and other world powers, they are all being controlled by one "power" - for lack of a better term - and then in turn manipulate us peons as said "power" seems fit.
I won't get into most of my theories right now, but I'm sure you all remember most of them. How September 11th was actually a domestic attack performed by our own government as a means of degrading the economy so much that only certain companies could make profit. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that all of the oil companies Bush has stock in didn't most record profits quarter after quarter. Explain to me those other explosions in the Twin Towers after impact. And how each tower fell as if it was demolished, not hit. Explain to me how a massive jet can smash into the side of the Pentagon and leave no ruins behind. How a plane can smash into the ground and leave no remains like in Pennsylvania.
Its all an elaborate trick. Just like stage magic. We divert your attention here and hold it for a bit, while all of this other shit goes on unseen. Think I'm crazy? Close your eyes and actually think for a second. Don't listen to what your fucking best friend or aunt is saying. Actually think for yourself. Consider the evidence that has been displayed and form your own conclusions.
My only wish is that before I die - be it this year before I turn twenty-four, in 2012 when the world ends... or sometime after that if I'm completely wrong (not fucking likely) that I can open ONE person's eyes to see the bullshit around them. I'm a Warrior by nature, but I can't take on the whole of the world by myself. Although I'll damn sure fucking try if I have to. And I hope you all remember what tomorrow is.