Took me from a gun totin' nigga to a BIG BOI

Oct 01, 2008 17:15

This seven inch shank will put a stop to his ticker.
Shotties to the body make 'em drop much quicker.

Hi. It's been awhile. I'm fucking pissed off.
I dunno why I haven't written in awhile. I guess I just didn't feel like it. I've actually come here a few times ready to post, started to write and then just blah. Either thought better of it, stopped feeling like it or whatever. At any rate...

Work has once again morphed into utter and complete hell. We lost one person (which is a good thing in my opinion) and another is off on maternity leave. She never really did anything anyway, so there's really no loss there. However, Nick is about to leave at the end of the month and we've gotten two brand new clients in a month.

I'll come back to that in a sec, first I need to address Nick.

I knew this day would be coming, I just wasn't sure when. He hinted at possibly moving back to Wisconsin when we were still talking and living together, and I knew that deep down he was serious and was just waiting for a chance. Well, he's since burned every single bridge he has created and has no where left to go. He's literally pushed each and every person that ever showed him any sort of compassion out of his life and is right back in the same spot he was before he left Wisconsin. He left with his brother to run from his problems and now he's running back to his brother.

"I'm getting old. I have to start a family." That's what he told Fern one day. So he's going to run back to Wisconsin to live with mommy and daddy. And somehow that equates into starting a family? He never went out here, whats going to be different there? How is he going to meet anyone? And, if he does somehow manage to meet someone - let alone a female - what's going to stop him from pushing them away as well?

Anyway, he's brought his shitty-ass attitude (not to say I haven't on certain days, like today) to work and everyone else is suffering because of it. He litterally did NOTHING today. Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Before he figured all he had to do was batch (organize shit that comes into the office before it gets put on the floor to be worked) and REFUSED to do anything else. He told Dave "I'm leaving in a month, I don't want to do anything. Why should I?"

Now, the girl that works with him in that department is about as brilliant as a black fucking hole. We've had some morons in the past, but I'm convinced that she takes the cake. I don't think she's worked a full forty hour week since she started and she had the gall to complain about not being offered overtime to catch her work up. And now she's going to be taking over what Nick does. She can't count, she can't add, she can't do her OWN job correctly... and now she's going to be in charge of every single piece of paper that comes into the office.

Scary. Pretty sure PBPMC is about to cease to exist.

Not only that, but this little bitch-ass whore... oh man. I grit my teeth every time I think about her. Every time I see her, I just think "whore". First of all, the clothing she wears on a daily basis is so utterly skanky its a wonder why one of our previous employees got fired for talking to her. But that's a whole different story for a different time. The other day she walked into our office and was asking if anyone knew if someone was giving away a TV. "Now I'm not going to pay for it, but if they're giving it away..." Bitch, are you kidding me? Good Gods. All she ever wants his hand outs.

Today I went and got donuts 'cause papa wanted me too and before she even went to her desk (but of course after she clocked in) she was going through ALL of them. I mean good Gods. And then her stupid fucking boyfriend. All she does all day is just talk to that cock-sucker on the phone, asking him stupid fucking questions like "Do you still love me? Do you think about me?" and blah blah blah. SHUT UP BITCH! NO ONE GIVES A SHIT! And then she gets upset and starts crying and just goes home. Goes home because she can't cope with her stupid boyfriend who LIVES with her. Are you kidding me?

I'm sure there was a lot more that I wanted to say, but I don't feel like writing about work anymore. Or writing anymore period.

But, as a brief side note (which sucks 'cause it shouldn't be brief)... I met someone. She's incredible. Her name is Rachel and she lives down in BG. She's a grad student and is currently working on her Masters. She's absolutely beautiful, funny, witty, sarcastic and I may or may not be falling for her. Which, as you all know, means I'm trying to figure it out and as such becoming distant and moody.

I was supposed to go down there tonight but work was such shit that I decided to stay home. I'm pissed at myself for that. And yeah, seeing her would cheer me up a bit, but I know I would still be in a foul mood. I didn't want her to experience that. Man, I don't know. I'm torn. I'm fucked in the head.

And I'm done writing.

PS, I'm a God and the turban fits perfect.
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