
Apr 29, 2005 13:41

Last night we were told that we were getting the internet back. I don't know if we complained so much that they gave in, either which way I don't care!

So, what's new?

Well, J and I are going to the movies tonight. The conversation yesterday went thus:

Me: What are you doing tomorrow night?
J: Nothing, why?
Me: Five words - Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy.
J: *blinks*

But despite the fact that he doesn't have a clue what it is, or the fact that it even existed, I've decided to give him a chance. Now usually I'll disown a person in this situation, but he's getting a second chance. Even if it's only because he looked so cute when he was confused! Well, he did ask me to sum up the plot in ten words or less.

"The meaning of life is 42."

Pretty good summary even if I do say so myself! The only downside is that I miss the last episode of Wire in the Blood tonight, but then I've missed most of this series anyway. Meh. It's just an excuse to buy the DVDs!

I made new covers for my mobile phone last night (I have that Nokia that does cut outs). I was sick of seeing my phone with the same (standard) covers out there. No imagination, some people. So I abused a map of Sydney I had going spare. I have the Opera House and Rocks area down to Centerpoint on the back, and Kings Cross on the front. So now if I ever get lost, I just have to look at my phone! (And it looks way cool...)

So... Um... yeah. Just plodding along, looking forward to the weekend.

Oh, some bright spark put a bath bomb or washing up liquid in the fountain the other day. Well, I thought it was funny.
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