Fuck you. Fuck you for telling me how to handle my mental illness when you are neither doctor or shrink. Fuck you for telling me to just pretend to be happy as if that will make the pain go away. I don’t hurt from some issue like a partner leaving me or losing my job. I hurt because I was the unwilling sex toy to someone for a decade. Fuck you for teasing me about my scars. Fuck you for making jokes that make me feel like I have to hide and swallow the pain I receive. Fuck you for insulting me over what I do to keep myself from pulling the trigger. I gave you a chance when you found out about my alters, I told you to respect them and be nice to them. Fuck you for making my life and the life of my partners and friends harder because you decided that insulting and antagonizing Z was the best thing to do. You claim to be an accepting and open ally. You stand tall for LGBT rights but fuck you. Fuck you for spouting off your nuerotypical elitist bullshit. How dare someone be sad or suffer from a mental illness around you. The last time you had a friend kill themselves you went around talking about how unexpected it was because they were so happy. They were not happy, they just swallowed and hid it all because every time they showed any signs of pain you shamed them for it. Fuck you. At least now, if the the day comes that the pain is too much and I choose to pull the trigger, you will know why I did it. Fuck you.
If you think this might be about you, it probably is.