(no subject)

Jan 03, 2011 10:33

Dear you stupid fucking GP,

You KNOW I am trans and when I told you I was you told me that you were going to research it but it is obvious you haven't. You obviously have ZERO respect for my gender identity or anything dealing with my trans because it is BEYOND obvious that you have done zero research about caring for a trans patient. Also there is more to this world of mental illness than just bipolar and depression. I mean seriously I open the sentence with "I have borderline personality disorder and it seriously fucks me up and causes anxiety and depression symptoms. Seroquel has been shown to help with the symptoms of borderline and it has been suggested by my shrinks that I talk to you about starting a low dose." and his response? "Seroquel is used solely for the treatment of bipolar" gah... I tell you I am tired because I have been up pretty much since Saturday morning and your response "oh that means you are bipolar" and I tell him "I am not bipolar, I just had a lot planned and driving planned" and what does he tell me "Well NORMAL(seriously he emphasized it) people don't do that" WTF I am a normal person... fucker... gah.. jesus stab him in the EYE!

He kept using the wrong pronouns, I kept correcting him. just so much fucking anger. He didn't know the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist and when he stepped out of the room to tell his nurse that I needed a reference to a psychiatrist I could hear him talking down about me to the nurse. Fuck that.. fuck him... god damn it... I need a new GP... gah... fucking asshole.
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