Jun 02, 2005 10:46
As many have mentioned and recognized, this weather is B A U T ful !
I am outside right now using my lap top and even though Im terrified of the bee's swarming around me, they're not gonna make me go inside!! TAKE THAT! But Bee's are cool. All black and yellow and stuffs.
So im on this new KICK. If thats what to call it ... where Im trying to eat UBER healthy and work out a lot. I've gone to the gym every day this week, walked every morning and night, and haven't eaten one thing that is unhealthy for me. I've also been workiing a ton, and Im always on my feet there. So im doing pretty good ! I was reading up on Breast Cancer, and how its heriditary, and since my Grandma had it, I got really pariniod and found out, that I could also get it. So i was researching to see ways to prevent it, and these days.. EVERYTHING causes cancer in some way, so its hard to prevent it (to their standards) but basically as long as you eat healthy and excericse (even walking to get your breathing steady) can really help. Im just looking too deeply into it though. BUT THATS ME FOR YA!
I txt messaged mike lastnight till 3 in the morning. Stupid cellphones and their unecessary capabilities.
I gotta go to work now (sorta)