Huh... What... Live journal?

Apr 09, 2005 18:21

Well now, I havent posted on my live journal in a lifetime.It's because I ahve been over at trying to get INTO that. It sux. Everyone on myspace is board. I mean it's gr8 to be connected to people or whatever but no one talks all people do there is post stupid things that they would normally send to you in a email (spam). It really sux trying to talk to people then having them not message you back. I took Cameron off my list, Qweenes somewhat happy about that, I'm rather nutral. I only did it because well 1 i still like him and i think i always will... and two he never messaged me back after like 4 messages. I know it would never work out... me and him that is... oh well what can you ?

Today I got to work and there were two new team members waiting for me. I was like WTF? I was training people. Lucky me, i didn't even know it till that moment. I like the people i am training as they are smart so i don't have to baby sit to much. I can relax a bit and just walk around and do other stuff. Blah. There is also this cute new operator guy... i'm sure he's gay but i havent asked him so right now I am operating off of gaydar and need to just ask him. hell maybe he wouldnt mind going on a date with me.

In WOW, I just turned LVL 40. It's super gr8 to be lvl 40 because being lvl 40 people take you serious. Your no longer some piece of shit running around the game that people roll there eyes at. When your lvl 40 it shows commentment to the game, and I belive people respect me more... well eccept for my friend Crazyboyz who probably hates me now becuase I didnt take him with me to SM (scarlet Monistary) because he was only lvl 35. Though i had a lvl 35 druid with me in there and he did just nicely so i will see if he will go with me tonight.

in closing, i was thinking, I like to write. Maybe I should be a writer... it's just I don't get to into any one thing. Maybe if i got into writing and made it like one of the things I did allot, then I would be better at it. I write in my journal all the time, hell i have journals dating back to 8th grade year. It's fun to just read them soemtiems. Blah anyway it's almost time for jam to go back to work. I wonder if anyone even knows this journal is around any more... I had people who would read this before I disapeird off of the LJ ... now i need to start again and post on other people to gain respect int he Lj community again.

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