Jan 09, 2005 18:05
WOW was so awsome when i first got it. Now i am having second thoughts. i am running out of quest in the city i am in, everyone is lvling past me, the quest i do have requier me to run all over the damn map, and that's so not on my list of things i want to do. I tried that it's bugging me. Then no one knows where the hell the place i am looking for is either! No one on the boards so it's like theres a place in the game your suppose tog o but no one knows where it is. Qween and dark or off doing there own thing so i can't hang with them. There going to pass me up soon and then i'll be alone. Wish i had of went month to month so i could just stop playing shit. mabey i am just tierd right now ... i don't know. I am annoyed period. On top of all this the world is filling up with water! it's been raining for like the past forever and i see no stop until wed. Thank goodness i will make it a point to go outside and Run or soemthing. I want out !!!!!!!!!!! I'm also fat as hell. I want to go to the gym tonight but only during week days. I can't wait to loose 5lbs and be at 135! I am going to the gym everyday this comming week. monday - fri that is. Okay i am tierd now and have hickups ima go.
There is no other like theamericanXP