Nov 10, 2008 20:09
So ... I guess I'm posting here again. Not sure what to make of that myself. And I'm not really sure who reads these. I actually hope it's a pretty small group. At least for right now.
Work went really well today. I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to start and finish a 5 day task tomorrow. That will be a very welcome ego boost. I generally get very frustrated with things that I'm not able to do well, but I feel like in the last few years I've proved to myself that I can really make it in the programming field. And I've also found that I enjoy it, which has surprised me a bit.
Tomorrow I'll be teaching a Tae Kwon Do class. I'm pretty excited about that. Our regular Master has to work tomorrow, and his No. 2 is also on a business trip. It's not like it's a big responsibility or anything, but I'm still a bit excited about it. Dare it say ... The Amazing Master Lammy? Ok, don't tell anyone I said that.
In my (limited) history of reading lj posts, there seems to be a bit of a tradition of people summarizing the intervening period that may fill long gaps between posts. Since this is really my first post of any real substance, (I mean, not counting that soul-searching post about the rancid pineapple juice), I feel like I should do a little summary of myself. I'm 26. I've been having a pretty sweet life. I've always felt lucky. I've been blessed by some very amazing people in my life. I love my Mommy. And I remain guardedly optimistic about the future.
That's all on that, sorry. Limited room here.
I think that there's about a million ways that I could make posts that would, in hindsight, irritate myself. I don't want these to feel passive. I don't want to talk about inside issues that only a handful of readers will know about. I don't want to create or fuel conflicts, or piss people off. I don't want posts to become a replacement for face to face dialog. I don't want to try to become a great writer.
I feel like signing off, like this is an email. So you know what? I'm going to:
The Amazing !