Everyone's been posting except for me. So I became lonely. *sniff*. So I've decided to post something terribly serious and meaningful. Perhaps the most enlightening conversation I've ever had. I now truly know the real nature of my friend, Rocky. I've added our conversation in hopes that everyone may know his true, beautiful self. Thanks for reading.
Rocky: how'd ya like my new icon hehe
Moophausa: that was awesome
Moophausa: everyone loves chrono
Moophausa: what's the name of the floating city?
Rocky: zeal
Moophausa: yeah! thanks
Rocky: you forgot :O
Rocky: okay mr alien, of all people why kidnap josh and replace him with an alien spy?
Rocky: him of all people?
Moophausa: zoob
Moophausa: actually, in a dream last week I was shot in the head by a microbial laser mk500b. It pierced through a number of long-term memories, and thus I've fragments in my recollections
Rocky: ohhhh
Moophausa: of course since RPGs (and CT in particular) took up half of my brain, there was a large chance that that shot would've struck somewhere along those memories
Rocky: how do I know this isn't some ploy.....
Moophausa: Damn you! Damn you and your clever ways of seeing though my tricks. HQ never mentioned humans to be so prescient!
Moophausa: Wait, unless . . . no it couldn't be
Moophausa: Are you an alien too?
Rocky: er ahem
Rocky: no i am not
Moophausa: Hah, I knew you would respond as such. Now I am certain you are an alien. and by the the wave-flux in your hypotreble voice, I'll bet your a spy unit. Perhaps for JooJooBees Inc.?
Rocky: curses my sonic transducer has been malfuctioning i didn't know your pitiful alien brain was capable of understanding such subtle wave fluxuations, and no I do not work for joojoobees.
Moophausa: I was unsure before, but now I am certain. Your naive arrogance and poor assumptions of character prove you must be an agent for the intergalactic crack-whore empire. But from which division?
Rocky: crack-whore empire?! You dare deface the image of the Caz Hoo EMPIRE! You must be a secrent agent of of the barq'sonite insurrection!
Moophausa: Hah! I've got ya haven't I? Your silence must mean that your cover is blown. Just wait till . . . Aww shit, I'm busted
Moophausa: But . . . but all the way out here!?
Rocky: I hear by place you under arrest according to imperial regulation 745.24-7 uhhh 63.
Moophausa: HQ said there weren't any Cazies within a million spice-years from here
Moophausa: Cripes!
Rocky: lay down your weapons and you will be fired upon
Moophausa: not regulation 763
Moophausa: anything but 763!!
Moophausa: but, we're in an reverse grav planet. It's physically impossible to lay Down my weapons, they only go up
Rocky: really? cool i haven't tried that
Rocky: Oh shit my gun!
Moophausa: govt. fools, you aliens never study before you regulate
Moophausa: hahaha!
Moophausa: Sucker
Moophausa: Feel my wrath
Rocky: um yeah uh so yeah you stay here while I uh call for backup
Rocky: okay?
Moophausa: oh, well okay sure
Moophausa: but make it snappy
Moophausa: I've a date with a Balaxian Jiggo in 15 mins
Rocky: Whoa really?!?! ya know, if she's got a sister we might let this whole 759 thing slide ya know what i mean?
Moophausa: 759? I thought you said 763! I'm beginning to think you don't know how to properly regulate. 759 is for skiiing on the backs of the giant wooogooly-woos in whoop-tan 5 (on the dark side, 5 miles past chiapee st.). Do you even know what 763 is?
Moophausa: I think not
Moophausa: I'll inform you
Moophausa: . . .
Moophausa: . . . um, actually I think I shall NOT tell you
Rocky: oh dar
Rocky: i have my imperial regulations book in my back pocket
Rocky: amazing how you forgot these things
Moophausa: not because I don't remember or anything, it's simply because! because I said so, . . . yeah
Rocky: quite rebel scum. (ooo i finally got to say that)
Rocky: er quiet
Rocky: yeah
Moophausa: Rebel scum? Rebel Scum!? How dare you call me that, you space-nazi
Moophausa: I quite prefer the term political activist pansy.
Rocky: 761.......public indececy exculding gelatinus, insectizoid or hexapedral life forms.. no wait hmmm
Oh yes in the event a rebel outpost is found immediate destruction of planet will incur, imperial regulation manual will self destruct in 1:20:19:05 :4 :3 oh well shitty
Rocky: i was just starting to like this planet too
Rocky: you wouldn't know how to turn one of these things off would you?
Moophausa: yeah, you press the red button
Moophausa: no, not there
Moophausa: on the bottom
Moophausa: but you half to hold it for, oh, 30 seconds while it counts down
Moophausa: and don't listen to the whole "I will self destruct in blah blah blah"
Moophausa: it's just a test
Moophausa: really
Rocky: ah shit i have to bypass my visual matrix too exit thermal imaging inhancement, here you try it
Moophausa: so, you hold down the button, and I'll go get my stuff . . on my ship . . . orbiting the planet
Moophausa: oh no, I couldn't. Those things have DNA signifiers on them
Moophausa: I would go into spacial convulsions if I layed hands on that device
Rocky: no no they discontued that feature after that mishap on malahoshi prime
Moophausa: oh right, I heard about that over the micro-vision
Moophausa: hmm
Moophausa: so what now
Rocky: bloody mess that turned out to be, stupid zaznoop slugs everytime they freaking enter imperial regions they set off the pollution alarms.
Moophausa: some glumdops never learn
Moophausa: *waves over some wandering fool*
Moophausa: hey, would you mind holding this device for a moment.
Rocky: oh yeah sure
Moophausa: thanks, I'll be right back
Moophausa: *begins to whisper to the wandering fool*
Moophausa: hey I'm back. This guy here, Xak is it? yeah he said he'd press the button on the manual for ya
Rocky: oh oh cool here!
Moophausa: *whispers to "rocky" to get outta here*
Moophausa: alright Xak, have fun with it. And do test out that red button at the bottom, it's jolly good fun. and shiny too!
Rocky: ah yeah jolly o um don't we have that galac er i mean (ppssst wait he's a human right) um i mean we have to get wasted drinking beer... yeah
Moophausa: Yah, lets head to the pub to get , um, smashed!
Moophausa: take care
Moophausa: *motions to get the fuck out*
Rocky: :::runs like a pansy:::
Moophausa: *runs like Noa Marmalefsky*
Rocky: hahahahah
Rocky: your leg actuator malfuctioning again?
Rocky: those old L-E-G model 2's are horrible
Moophausa: leg actuator? no, why? in fact i'm in perfect shape
Rocky: right.. which is why you woddle like a imppay from floris9
Moophausa: you're like the millionth person to say that too
Moophausa: well thank you, what a compliment
Rocky: oh well you're quite welcome
Moophausa: so shall we get off this planet which is to explode in, oh, 5 seconds?
Rocky: sounds good, i'm parked over in lot d
Moophausa: great, I just hope we can find your ship from all the others
Moophausa: damn govt ships look exactly like honda accords
Rocky: yeah they look stock though, stupid imperial regulations, can't mod my ship with anything
Rocky: i was thinking of putting LEDS on the antigrav plating
Moophausa: oh really? You should check out mine sometime. It's tricked over completely. Looks like the Epoch from the Legendary Chrono Trigger.
Rocky: once i'm done with my TOD of course
Moophausa: Naturally
Rocky: found it, this panic button is great for when you lose your ship
Moophausa: So, shall we see if the Balaxian Jiggo has a sister?
Rocky: i was just thinking the same thing
Moophausa: *hop in the "honda accord " and take off, a la Back to the Future*
Rocky: we don't have enough road to get up to 88 miles per hour
Moophausa: road? Where we're going, we don't need roads!
Rocky: *cues theme music*