Sep 30, 2003 01:37
School is really stressing me out. I've got two papers that I have to write, but instead I'm writing in my journal...what the fuck is up with that? I have been writing my paper for my Film class. I'm writing it on the movie Full Metal Jacket. oh man. I've met a lot of cool people at my university. I do miss my friends from back home in Minnesota like Ryu and Yote. Though Yote and I haven't really talked. I'd like to be friends with him again, though I think that we are friends but we just haven't talked in a long time and I forget. The thing with me is that I could be really pissed off at someone and then a few months later or days I'd forget about it and just remember being mad at them. I don't really remember if Yote and I were fighting or making up. Its been too long.