Are I good humans?

Apr 03, 2006 17:37

I would like to say gladly that I good humans are, but that I do not know. I think that I try to be. Money is not so important for me. I wish for it university pay, but not much otherwise. My family had nomalerweiser moneys remaining; I am lucky. I donate my blood several times per year. I worked in old peoples head as I in High School was. I plan the Peace Corps connect to the Berkeley for two years. I was to a girl much bad and cold, which this I loved now. I will would not have fear somewhat again for experience, and I "I love you" to it to say, if I could experience everything again. I believe each humans am a product of their climate, and there is no thing as well or badly, simply things. But each humans earned, lucky its and without fear live. I eat only vegetarian ones life-average. I think that all equal to animal are. One day would like I on much country to live, with many different animals. The absolute disaster for me became if my family AIDS got caught, or otherwise somewhat horrible. The absolute luck for me became world peace.
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