so many things afoot in the life of jordan. good things, actually. i got a job! i wanted to be able to write this in big, scrolling capital letters. i wanted to make it the status of every social networking site, to call up my parents and old teachers and say, I AM MAKING SOMETHING OF MYSELF. i wanted to be able to quit starbucks. it's not that kind of job. it's a job that doesn't pay anything impressive, for a company that i think does awesome cool things but is very very small. when i told my mother, she said, "oh, that's nice." so it's not the kind of thing that merits a tremendous amount of boasting, but i'm excited about it nonetheless. and i'm still making coffee some nights, which is cool i guess, and i need to stop taking for granted the perks of being there. like the people i get to see. or whatever. so after a few days of feeling down on myself about not moving forward as speedily or precociously as i might have liked, this is definitely a step in the right direction. and besides, we shouldn't be doing our dream jobs right now. if we were doing exactly the work we wanted to do and making all the money we could ask for, where would we have to go in life? there is time.
that's the big news. (and it is, actually, big news. i am so unnecessarily down on myself.) littler things. last tuesday i went with kami, anna, claudia, and jesse, to pirate's dinner adventure in beuna park. such a fun memory. a pirate's life for me, indeed. i think we endeared the poor staff, and although our pirate did not win the fair maiden, he got to bang the gypsy so i would say it was all worthwhile, for him and for us. a week ago i saw the ataris at the cobalt (say what?) and it was great. nights like that reach a place beyond nostalgia. it's a serious time warp, and in a way it makes living in the valley with my parents easier, because i don't have to think of it like my present, but as a strange little journey back in time.
friday night i went to see brief interviews with hideous men and it haunts me, not in content but in form, and i would really appreciate someone whose filmic opinion i value (renee, beth, jen, daniel, brett, doron?) to see it and discuss it with me. mild spoilers ahead? not really, but i hate reading other people's reviews of things i plan on seeing. krasinski shows some promise and innovation as a director, i think, and this excited me. i haven't read the entire collection of short stories (though i now have the audiobook!) and i think i'm getting a little hung up on the process of adaptation rather than seeing the film as a piece separate from its source. but i need someone to play devil's advocate with me and offer some justifications for how....unfinished the film feels. i enjoyed each individual moment but i think the film was unsuccessful in the end. maybe because the protagonist was unsuccessful in her research? was it that the film, and the main character, lacked a moment of reflection on the futility of it all? maybe it was just her reaction to her ex-lover's soliloquy which didn't seem real or followed through. (his speech kicked ass- this movie, per DFW's stellar writing, is rife with amazing amazing monologues.) it seemed like the way the film played with chronology assured us that as fragmented as life and these situations were, all the pieces would somehow fit together for us in the end, and it would be making some kind of point. i have a love/hate relationship with films that don't take a side, truly. truly. anyway, it is always fun for me to see a director who is really an actor's director. in part, i know this is because this is the kind of director i tend to be. there was an awareness of every mark and subtlety, and it really allowed the writing to slap you in the face with its fucking brilliance. only flaw in this aspect: ben gibbard as- ben gibbard? why did he have to be the whiny sensitive fuck, why did he have to be in it at all, really? too easy. mostly though, the performances were on point and these are the things that haunt me, in that way that i want to relive seeing these people say these things with such cutting conviction.
john krasinski was supposed to be there to do a q and a afterwards, so i anticipated getting to work through some of this, and i'm a bit disappointed he flaked. especially because....hi. john krasinski.
ok, moving on. i had an uber-reflective rosh hashanah and yom kippur, went to temple and everything, and though now in jest i will say this resulted in "moments of weakness," i'm happy that i humbled myself, and even if it doesn't pay off, i am practicing being less petty and generally trying to keep personal productivity at the forefront of my existence. i am so effing lazy and i don't think that sloth should ever be my deadliest sin. change change change change change.
things to look forward to: this job, two weeks until treasure island, and santa cruz, and berkeley, and the open road once again. did i mention two weeks until treasure island? and letting my mind go go go.
also, dear friends, who might be looking for a gift for me for any particular reason, such as my birthday which is- gasp- two months way! look no further than this website. i want them allllll. particularly "dick," "sawyer," or the raven "poe." isn't it a sign of my growing up that "pryne" feels, well, too obvious?