(no subject)

Apr 17, 2008 13:03

Subject:Call me sentimental... Posted by: the_xtina. Time:5:13 pm. ( originally posted by brontosproximo)

A couple of years ago, a chronologically challenged relative of mine asked me about Santa Claus. For people brought up in our christian-centered culture this question always seems to be about loss, the first step to the loss of innocence. With her parent's permission I told her the truth.

First I told her that there was a man. Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, born in 326. He was known for his philanthropy and that in fact, that man died a long time ago.

Then I prepared her the truth about Santa Claus.

I explained to her that before she could know the truth, she needed to understand that she was now part of a special trust to let no one know the truth until they were ready.

Then I spilled it. "Santa Claus is real."

She blinked very hard and looked confused.

"Do you want to know how I know he's real? I've seen him. Santa Claus is your parents going out to get the presents and hiding them under the tree for you. Santa Claus is the guy in the mall in the red suit talking to children. Santa Claus is the person who donates to "Toys for Tots". Santa Claus is EVERYONE who works to uphold his legend for children."

I took a deep breath and held her hands and said "and now you are Santa Claus too."

And now, all of you are too.

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