The Underdogs | Second Wave Winners

Aug 20, 2010 12:12


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Comments 35

audreyii_fic August 20 2010, 16:45:51 UTC



...I'll be back when I can be coherent.


majestamoniet August 20 2010, 16:57:45 UTC
Congrats, bb! :D


audreyii_fic August 20 2010, 17:49:12 UTC
Okay. So. Um. Yeah.

Thanks to majestamoniet for the organization, to soul_beguiled for the counting, and mintenergy for the banners. So much win there, it really can't be expressed.

And, uh, yeah, thanks for the votes and the award and my brain kind of exploded, so I'm not being articulate at all, but holy crap am I grateful.

Everyone else who won, too, is freakin' amazing. And also those that were nominated. We are so damn spoiled in this corner of the fandom, it's not even funny.

If it wasn't for the fact that all my friends would look at me funny, I'd totally print these out and hang them on my wall. Just want you to know that.


soul_beguiled August 20 2010, 16:51:38 UTC
Congrats everyone!

mintenergy the banners are so beautiful :)

Please shower thanks/praise upon her and [info]soul_beguiled, who I suspect was tabulating votes in the front pew of her friend's wedding.

Nah, the wedding was on the weekend and the next one is coming up next weekend. Too many loved ones getting married this month. Ohh well, at least the dresses I'm made to wear aren't hideous.


majestamoniet August 20 2010, 17:02:00 UTC
I am just so amazed by the vast amount of talent Jacob/Bella writers posses. It's really quite unfair to the rest of the fandom (the remorse just hasn't set in yet for me).

Congratulations to all of the winners. And even though she's probably sick of me saying it...Thank you to mintenergy for donating the sexy banners.


mintenergy August 20 2010, 23:35:21 UTC
And even though she's probably sick of me saying it...Thank you to mintenergy for donating the sexy banners.

On the contrary, I appreciate it and you're very welcome. Congratulations to you and all the other winners.


audreyii_fic August 20 2010, 17:59:36 UTC
Oh, question -- for Tear Ducts, Two Hundred and Seven Days After was nominated for two different sections. Which one won?


soul_beguiled August 20 2010, 18:04:26 UTC
H. The Two Hundred and Seven Days After by monroeslittle ( ... )


audreyii_fic August 20 2010, 18:08:53 UTC
Ah-ha. Yes. That was my guess.

*sniffles just reading it*


twiordie August 20 2010, 18:00:07 UTC
Woohoo just finished forks in the road... Sad ending but happy it won! All of my faces won! Congrats, y'all!


twiordie August 20 2010, 18:02:14 UTC
Faves lol


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