Unimpressed, chapter 8

Aug 20, 2010 03:40

leithalia  made this banner and is therefore awesome.

Title: Unimpressed

Author: likexaxdove

Rating: M (for language, and undecided future events)

Warnings: language, drugs/alcohol use

Summary: Moving back into town and having to work a crappy job sucks. Watching Jacob Black date a girl who is not you sucks. Life just sucks. Well, for Bella it does.

Validation Beta: itslikenature .

Chapter 8 is here ---->“Yes. Embry turning into a gigantic wolf is a bit beyond the normal. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me Bella.”

Prefer the fanfiction.net format? Read it here.

Catch up on other chapters. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

chapter update

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