The Underdogs - Second Wave Voting: Part 5

Jul 29, 2010 18:02

Second Wave Voting: Part 5 of 5

Moment that Makes You Realize You Were Actually Dead All Along and the Kid Just Has a Sixth Sense

A. Eurydice by ophelietta


“For you to get engaged,” Jacob says. “For you to get married. He must’ve come back from Italy.”

“Oh. Yes,” Bella says. “Of course.”

“Then why,” and he feels a sick twist of laughter rising in his throat as his questions go round and round and round, circles within circles within circles of hell, “why don’t you remember it?”

“I - !” She whirls on him, and her pale skin is even whiter, her brown eyes even darker, almost black. “I was really tired! It was a long flight! I’m sure I just - the confusion, of the travel - and I was so happy to see Edward, I was very emotional - and I wasn’t too late!” Her voice is shrill, no swansong here, just a crow’s dying shriek. “I stopped him from dying, didn’t I! I stopped him!”

“Of course you did,” Jacob says, still gently. “Of course you did.”

B. Zenith by majestamoniet


“It’s often referred to as “the Devil’s mark,” which is the visible manifestation on your shoulder, Isabella. But I’m sure you’ve noticed that a tattoo is the least of all the changes you’ve experienced recently. Do you know what entertains Satan? Suffering. And do you know how He purifies the souls that are sent to him? By making them suffer their wrongs, by restoring the balance. When He touched Varius’s soul that day, he laid a curse on all those who came after him. Every soul of every descendent would be condemned to the lower plane no matter how virtuous the life they led on Earth. This would continue until Varius’s offspring destroyed as many vampires as Varius had humans.

“But collecting more souls was not His only objective. His one source of amusement and distraction is the suffering he can elicit from his subjects. Varius provided him an entire new level at which to carry out these manipulations. Satan fancied himself a puppet master with Varius’ soul the indestructible strings. Not only did he curse Varius’ descendents with an afterlife in Hell, but he gave them feeble powers to use against vampire kind. Not enough power or skill that we would risk direct confrontation with one but just enough to provide us a small, almost imperceptible sliver of hope that we could someday achieve such lofty conditions for our release. It gives us a reason to try. And He watches as we struggle and perish in pursuit of that goal, amused at our ineffectiveness.”

Unable to contain the urge to interrupt any longer, I spoke up when Vanessa paused for a breath. “What do you mean ‘he gave you powers?’ What powers? Why would he do that?”

She eyed me levelly. “Because-to put it in a not-so-delicate fashion-He is a sick, smug bastard who has nothing better to do with his time than to tempt and degrade any soul he can get his incorporeal hands on.” She delicately pulled aside the material of her blouse to once again reveal the hideous black mark. “Like yours and mine.”

Jacob’s muttered curse burned my ear.

Vanessa tipped her head in agreement. “Holy fuck indeed, Mr. Black.”

I understood the implication and had to discreetly wipe the sweat from my palms onto the material of Jacob’s pants beneath my trembling hands. “So, then, that mark…It means you’re one of Varius’s descendents.”

“Yes, Isabella.”

“And so was Felicity.”


“And me.”

“I’m afraid so.”

“I’m going to go to Hell.”

C. Of Angels and Bones by ellie_kat89


“I couldn’t save her, and I couldn’t save the others, I knew that I could save you - that you were the last one fighting…. I was almost too late to save you,” he murmured, the memory painful but bearable after ten years.

“I remember,” Bella whispered, “you pulled them off of me, I’d never seen anyone move as fast as you did that night, they were all dust in seconds.”

His head bobbed. “That’s right and then we ran - do you remember anything after that?”

Her nose scrunched up in thought, reminiscent of her time as a human. “No, after that it’s just blackness, there’s flashes, sort of, but they’re of feelings, not images. I remember a lot of fear, of hopelessness.”

“You were riding on my back, I didn’t want to let go of you, but I didn’t want to run as a human - too slow. They followed us, the whole hoard of them and we thundered through the forest like lightening.” He paused here and his fingers dug into the tabletop leaving deep half-moon marks in the surface of the wood. “It wasn’t enough though, it was never going to be enough.”

Breath seized in her throat, a lump the size of potato lodged there, unmoving. “I… don’t understand.”

His voice was soft, soothing. “We didn’t make it honey.” Jake stroked her hair, her back. “We died too, like the others.”

D. Zenith by majestamoniet


“Well, whoopdy-fucking-doo. As if…” She trailed off, tightening her hold on herself and letting out a hiss of pain. Her entire body shuddered.

“Leah?” I took a hesitant step forward, unsure if she would rebuff my concern.

“I’m…just s-so hot.” A loud breath wheezed past her lips. Pushing all caution aside, I dropped to her side and laid a hand on her trembling arm.

“Maybe you should go lie down…” The words died on my lips as my shocked fingers flinched away from her skin; she was as cold as ice. As cold as…
Something was wrong. Every inch of my being hummed with warning as Leah’s shivering began to turn violent. Her body jerked, her skin rippled, a low moan gargled in her throat. Instinct demanded for me to move.

Slowly I began to back away towards the house, my awkward steps slow and guarded. Just as I turned my head to yell for Sue, Leah’s body slammed into me, knocking me backwards off my feet.

I met the ground with Leah on top of me, my lungs heaving for air they couldn’t find. The weight on my chest shifted, intensified, and when I opened my eyes, it was no longer Leah sprawled on top of me.

I screamed.

For once in my life, I reacted properly in a life-threatening situation. I yelled, and kicked, and screamed as the giant wolf pinned me mercilessly to the ground, flexing its’ claws into the flesh of my abdomen as it growled over the raucous I was causing.

“Leah,” I gasped breathlessly when the claws retracted back up painfully through my skin before plunging deeper. “Please.”

It felt as if someone had stuck me with a hot iron and was scrambling around my insides. The weight was crushing, and I couldn’t gather the air to scream “Off! Get off!” like my body demanded.

She let out a low growl, her hot breath fanning across my face. The stench of blood hung heavy in the air, and I fought the urge to vomit. Big, brown, animalistic eyes bore into mine, and there was no hint of recognition in their smoldering depths. No human reason taking over.

Death had found me yet again.

With that frightening realization, I closed my eyes and did my best to relax despite the pain that was burning me inside out. I pictured all of the things I would miss from the living world. Charlie. Renee. Edward. Jacob. Oh, God, Jacob. I never told him…

I pictured myself lying by Edward’s side n the meadow, sitting in the Rabbit watching Jacob work, shopping with Alice, cooking with Emily, Edward walking away, Jacob holding me tight…

My eyes blinked slowly open. The feral wolf above me was poised, ready to strike, her eyes focused keenly on my neck. With no prelude save a guttural growl, she shot forward with the intent to kill.

And then I was gone.

E. Selfish by merefish


Jake knows he's dead, and he's cold, but then he's on fire. It's just like the first time he phased, but instead of orange flames, they're white-hot. Is he Brother Wolf? Had he phased at the last second? He tries to scream, he tries to howl, he does both at once. He can't feel arms or paws, just a soothing cold hand all over, lighting and ending fires simultaneously. He calls out for his mother. He calls out for Billy. He calls out, in the end, for her. For Bella, for Nessie, for Bella and Nessie and Sam and Leah and Seth and Paul and fuck even Cullen if he'd only put this goddamn blaze out and let him rest in agony already.

He slips away into a trance-like state.

Then he opens his eyes.

He sees darkness. There is no pain any longer. He is human, and naked. He feels amazed that he can see in this darkness, can see the individual grains of wood on the beam above him. He decides that if this is heaven or hell or purgatory, wherever it is must be alright. He sits up.

He's in a tiny cabin. There's a fire blazing. The scents hit him- more nuanced, more detailed than even Brother Wolf's senses, and then he catches it- candied apples.

Bella Swan is watching him from a rocking chair. He inhales again- she's candied apples. And lollipops and gardenia and sugared ice cream cones and a hundred other
sticky delights. She's the scent of his heaven.

He smiles at her and she smiles back. Her skin glitters-

Wait. What?

Why the fuck was her skin glittering if this was heaven? Even he didn't think he was deranged enough to want Bella Swan as a goddamned vampire in Heaven. He rose to his feet, reached out a hand toward her-

And noticed his own hand.

It was pale, darker than Bella's skin but more like the ashen skin of the tribal elders, faded with age. And it glittered, too.

"Jake," she says, and for the first time in almost a decade, her voice sounds normal to him again. No sing-songing, lyrical bells, no attractive mind tricks-

Maybe because he was no longer prey. He was a predator now too- the same as her.

"Bella." He is frozen. He places a hand over his chest. It doesn't feel any different- but his heart does not beat beneath his breast. He groans. "Bella." He falls to the floor, to his knees.

"Bella Swan, what have you done?"

F. No Return by crystalnicoleyo


He worked quietly for a few minutes cleaning up the wound and preparing the sutures. Jacob stood devotedly by my bedside fulfilling his marital role. I squeezed my eyes tight and thought about the beach in La Push and the way Arden would gingerly walk with one foot in the water, and one on the shore. She responded to each crashing wave the same way, new excitement. She would stop and allow the water to circle around her feet, and once the last trace of foam was gone, she would pick up the pace again. I could never grow tire of watching her experience the world. She and Jake were my life, my substance, and then the thoughts of Alice's vision interceded, and I quickly jerked myself back to reality.

"When did this happen?" Dr P. asked.

"Less than an hour ago."

"How much blood loss?"

"I'm not sure, two kitchen towels, and what's on my clothes."

"The cut really isn't too deep. I'll put a couple of stitches in it, but I want to run some tests if that's okay?"

"Is something wrong?" Jacob asked concerned.

"No reason for alarm, I'm concerned with the amount of bleeding. Just need to check your blood levels."

Dr. P was aware of my history, and I assured myself he was just being meticulous. I took his advice and instead of worrying over trivial things such as blood disorders, or debilitating vampire venom flowing freely in my veins, I focused on my anger for the current situation and my fear of becoming immortal. My hands started trembling and I felt warm fingers grasp them. Jacob.

Just as the nurse was finishing with the blood draw, Jacob's phone rang.

"I need to take this," he mouthed silently, slipping through the curtain wall. Once the nurse finished, I lay back on the paper covered pillow and closed my eyes, surprised at the amount of tranquility I felt. After a quick twenty minute doze, I was startled awake by the nurse and Dr. Porter.

"Bella, your blood levels look really good, and I don't see any need to keep you for further observation."

I breathed a sigh of relief because as much as I enjoyed a homecoming, I was anxious to get to Arden and Billy.

"There is one other thing," he interrupted my internal celebration, and I felt a hesitated worry. It wasn't a good sign that I had received the good news first, but I relaxed a little realizing he said I was free to go, so I smiled at him permissively, assuring him that I was ready for his announcement.

"You're pregnant," he said reservedly. "Surprise."

G. Dealing With the Kangaroo by mellyfrisco6


The only thing I could hear was Bella asking what was wrong. I wasn't even aware of the rain or the wind anymore. Nothing other than Bella's hands, still in mine, holding me. Bella. When the realization of what had just happened finally hit home, I gaped, even more in shock.

It couldn't be possible. It wasn't supposed to happen. I had just said I'd never imprint. If I had to imprint, on Bella of all people, I would surely have done so ages ago. It wasn't supposed to happen now. What was going on? Nothing made sense. I truly thought that if I was the chief I had to focus on the job, not on a woman. I shouldn't have imprinted. Was my theory wrong? We didn't really know how imprinting worked, anyway. Oh, it was so weird. Why was it happening just now? Why not before?

Then again, I never saw what the difference was between what the guys felt and what I felt. That was because there wasn't a difference. I was already in love with Bella when I was 16, even if I just considered it a crush. I'd been more in love than I thought. I didn't feel the change when I saw her after phasing for the first time because, in my eyes, she was as beautiful as she always was. All this time, all these years…It'd been here all these years and like the idiot that I was, I hadn't realized it.

Bella wasn't ready to love and trust someone in that way again when she found out about the wolves. And when she was ready, she resisted imprinting because we thought it would separate us. By doing so, she must have prevented it from happening. A few minutes ago, she said she was ready to accept living with the threat it represented, that she was ready to stop looking over her shoulder. She was ready to finally accept what I was doing, what I was going to be. And that's all it took for my world to shatter and be whole. Forever.

"Jake? What's wrong? Talk to me; what's happening?" Bella's anxious voice brought me back to reality. I shook my head, trying to process the change. It was insignificant to how I saw Bella. She was still the same. There was no change in how I saw her, except for the brighter light all around her body. But it was huge for our relationship, for our life together. I wanted to scream, to cry out of joy, to tell her that I wasn't going to leave and that, this time, I was more than sure about this. I stood up then knelt again to return to my original position. I couldn't find the right words.

"Bella…I…It's you, Bella," I whispered, my mouth pressed to her ear. "It's always been you."

"What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"I…I…I'm pretty sure I just imprinted on you, Bells."

H. Forks in the Road by sowrong


"Yeah, we got it back. I think everyone's been eliminated but I'm not sure. But you need to lift the gag order you placed on the new ones. It's been kinda nice not to have to hear them rant when phased but they are pretty pissed off about it," Leah said.

"Damn, sorry about that. You all are free to talk now," Jacob said to the wolves.

Immediately, a rush of profanities came pouring out towards Jacob. It was too confusing to distinguish one voice from another but it was clear that they were angry and…different.

All of the guys began replaying Leah's thoughts over and over and then stopped dead in their tracks in disbelief - unsure if what they were seeing was an hallucination, effects from their having been knocked out, or if it was really true. But then their thoughts were callously interrupted and all feelings of dreaming when away. Instead…their nightmare began.

"What the hell? You think girls aren't good enough asshole?" the unfamiliar, yet distinctly high pitched voice spat out. "At least we didn't fall asleep on the job," the voice taunted.

None of the guys responded, too in shock to even mutter one measly word. They just continued to scan the thoughts of all of the newcomers and then uniformly cringed.

"Get out of my head, you perverts," another high pitched voiced shouted.

"OH MY GOD!" another voice squealed. "It's Colin and Brady! OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!"

"No way! So you mean this is why Brady and Colin always looked so hot?" another voice shouted out.

"Do we get to see them naked? Holy Hell!"

"Oh my god, I can't wait to tell Lisa! She is going to die! She has pictures of Brady hanging in her locker!"

"No way. I'm telling Lisa first. You always get to tell her everything."

"That's enough, girls," Leah ordered. "Dial it down."

"God, are you always so bitchy?" one of the girls asked.

"You're my bitch now, bitch," Leah snapped back at them, causing the girls to shut up immediately.

The girls hadn't learned much at this point, but they knew enough to be scared of Leah. Luckily, that is what both Jacob and Leah preferred.

"Listen, I know this hasn't been easy on all of you. But once we are done with this fight and everything has settled, all sit down with you girls and explain how this works. Until then, you need to stay focused cause I'm still not sure this fight is truly over," Jacob reminded the five new she-wolves.

"GIRLS?" Colin spat out. "We have five new fucking wolves that are girls?"

I. Who’s Your Daddy? by the_angry_pixie


“Leah!” he panted. “What the fuck?! Oh fuck I’m so sorry!! Fuck! Why did you do that?? Fuck fuck how did I let this happen?! I’m so sorry!”

“Why are you apologizing!” I demanded. “It’s natural Embry. We have feelings for each other. It’s what you do when that happens!”

“No no no, this wasn’t supposed to happen!” he was pushing me out of his lap now and I was becoming severely pissed off. Still, my instincts jumped at the challenge.

“You got some sexuality issues or something?” I smirked leaning beside him on the couch grinning maliciously.

“No I don’t!” he snapped looking straight ahead, breathing heavily through his nose.

“Then I see nothing wrong with it” I whispered coyly, leaning in to graze my lips along his neck.

He jerked away. “Oh everything is so so wrong about this,” he said pushing me away so forcefully that I fell back against the opposite arm of the couch. Ok now I was losing my cool.

“What’s your fucking problem Call!! I thought you liked me!!”

He turned to me then, his face full of unreadable emotion.

“Oh Leah, shit! I’m so sorry. Don’t be like that. I do like you I do! Just not like that…”

I looked into those strange green-brown eyes. That look was back. That pleading look. Like he was asking something of me.

“I think your wrong,” I murmured with as much intensity as I could muster, as I leant towards him again.

“Leah please…” his eyes widened with the whispered plea. My lips were just about to graze against his. “You’re my sister.”

I stopped. Embry cringed away from me.

“What did you say?” the words trembled in my mouth.

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