Mods, if this isn't allowed just let me know---

Apr 30, 2012 18:25

This isn't a fanfiction. But this is a discussion having to do with Twilight-related fanfiction (x-posted to SortOfAwesome.)

:takes deep breath:

Has anyone here come across/heard of "50 Shades Of Grey?" Do you know of the story behind it?
I feel like I have to get my opinion of it off of my chest. So here it goes!

It was...horrendous. Cheap. Badly-written. The worst part? It is a legit copyrighted FANFICTION about E/B. Yes, I know the author (whom I have some not-so-nice words for) changed the names, physical descriptions around but that was really about it. My friend has the actual book "series" if you will, while I have the copy of the fanfiction it was "loosely based off of" read COPIED FROM- "Master Of The Universe." We compared each page and they are the same thing, no matter what E. L. James says.
These three books have taken the 1st-3rd spot on the NY Bestsellers list and 1-3 on Amazon's Kindle sales.

I can't even begin to explain how frustrating and infuriating I find this. A TWI-MOM (seriously, she first posted the story on writes a supposedly steamy AH/AU BDSM lemon about Edward & Bella and then instead of writing something I dunno...original in plot and characters, she literally changes the names to Christian Grey & Anastasia Steele, changes their hair/eye colors and changes the names of things like Cullen Enterprise Holdings to Grey Enterprise Holdings. She has no imagination whatsoever in the changes, and then she's able to get away with publishing and now is making untold amounts of money from the series and also now the movie rights have been bought. Ugh. There is even talk of them trying to pursue Rob & Kristen themselves for the leads. The fanfiction also included a very bullshit version of our dearly beloved Jacob who apparently just doesn't know what "No" means if you catch my drift.

I dunno, but as a fanfiction writer and s someone who is currently trying to write their own novel- this just smacks of cheating. I feel like ANYONE can now write a book and if it's steamy enough (and honestly, this is like a badly written harlequin romance with some Dominance/Submissive thrown in just for GP) and self-publish it then gain readers who only read it because it's a lemon and then boom it's popular enough for a huge publishing house to buy out the rights for it and the rest is history.

How do you feel about this idea? Have you read it? What did you think of it? I know quite a few of fanfiction authors who's stories were way better written and could probably get away with doing the same thing. But does that make it ok?

I'll get off of my soapbox now : )

greeneyed_me, discussion: fanfic trends, discussion: twilight fandom, story discussion, fanfiction

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