Tags and Polls

Jul 17, 2011 20:16

Some of you may have already noticed, but...TATS now has author tags!!!! Woo hoo! So, authors, this means that when you post a story or chapter here on the com, you can include your name as a tag on the post. Pretty sweet, right?

Yes, the Master List of fic is already arranged by author, but those links only take readers to the first post/chapter of a story. That works fine with one shots, but it makes reading multi-chaps difficult.  The idea is that with tags, you can click on an author and get every chapter of her 20-chapter story. IT WILL BE THE AUTHORS' RESPONSIBILITY TO TAG THEIR OLD POSTS IF THEY SO CHOOSE. You don't have to tag any of your posts if you don't want to, but the option is there. Mods will not be reminding you to tag your new posts either. It's up to you.

We went through and created tags for every existing validated author. If for some reason, you are an existing validated author, and you do not have a tag or your tag is misspelled, it's all majestamoniet's fault. So I'm the one you want to bug about it. From now on, when an author is validated, her validation beta will create a tag out of her name. If that doesn't happen, the author should KINDLY let the validation beta know that she needs a tag.

On an unrelated note, the mods are discussing the possibility of doing a fic exchange, and we want to know what we're getting ourselves into ahead of time. So if you could please participate in this poll, that would be lovely.


poll, !mod post

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