Off Limits?

Jun 24, 2011 21:05

Hello TATSonians!

Question for you all!

If there's one thing I know about writers and fandoms, it's that there's A LOT of them. Not just Twilight, or Harry Potter, or even Mortal Instruments, but fandoms on tv shows, games, anime. alone probably has millions of fics. There's always something new or something discovered. As a writer myself, my muse has the attention span of a gnat. Always wanting to try something new and different.

Here's my question: Is there anything off limits?

Some might say "No. All is equal in the writing world. Anyone can write whatever they want in fanfiction, no ever gets paid."

Here's the thing: Some fandoms are ONLY for certain age groups, just as tv shows and books are only for certain audiences.

For example: Hannah Montana

It's a story about a girl who leads a double life as an ordinary girl and a popstar. Not a fan, but it's an example. Most of the people who watch this show are kids and pretweeners. I tried fic diving in this fandom for a decent fic...once. It was painful. Couldn't find one. However, most of the viewers thought a lot of fics were EPIC and that the writers are GENIUSES. (Note:These are the writers that you shouldn't flame, because they have as much passion and drive to improve as we all did when we started. ) The people reading these fics and reviewing are at the same stage and level as the people writing. Not all, but a lot.

If a more experienced writer, say audreyii_fic  or majestamoniet decided to write for these types of fandoms and change the way they see quality writing, can that only be a good thing?

Ultimately nobody can stop someone from writing and posting whatever they want anywhere, but should they?

Why or Why not? Pros and cons?

discussion: general, discussion: fanfic trends, discussion: fandom

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