the sexytimes

Mar 27, 2011 11:09

A nice topic for a Sunday morning...

I want to discuss SEX in fanfic.

One of the staples of a successful fanfic is sex. I'm not saying all popular stories have sex (and certainly not all the good ones), but we all know that throwing in a lemon spikes the review count of a story. We're women with labidos and an appeal to that sex drive elicits a strong response, which is why we read fic in the first place (for the emotional response stories invoke). Most of us here aren't hanging around because fic stimulates our intellect. That's what the people in the community are for. ;)

So, I want to know what does it for you? What kind of sex do you like reading? Because there is a WIDE variety out there, and I've noticed that people have very different tastes. There are some sex scenes which cause me to roll my eyes or laugh, but lots of other people happen to love them. I see people in the fandom mocking certain cliches in smut, but i feel like at least a few of those became cliche because they work.  There are just so many ways to write sex, that I think it's hard to nail down the "right" or "best" way.  Sure, some sex scenes out there are silly in that they're physically impossible or seem absurd for the characters involved, but outtide of that, I think there is a lot of room for what's passable and what people enjoy reading.

Personally, I prefer sex that's more emotional than physical. Sex read out of context tends to be more amusing than it is sensual. Because the act itself isn't all that pretty.  The mechanics alone don't really do much for me. I like getting inside the characters' heads and knowing what emotional or intellectual play is going on between the two. And I like details. That's probably why I don't often enjoy sex that seems OOC for the characters who are doing it. I want the characters to still be present and not be reduced to mere bodies. (There are exceptions, of course, for crack!fic.)

How about you? What do you like seeing in fanfic sex? What do you NOT like seeing?

Courtesy of _argustar:

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discussion: general, discussion: fanfic trends

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