
Dec 15, 2010 17:26

There is no reason for this post except that I want to say...


I realized today just how shitty this fandom can be (it's not the first time, but I have a tendency to forget), and it made me realize how effing much I love everyone here at theair_thesun . We really are the best of the best. And I don't mean skill-wise (although, that's probably true, too). But you guys are the sanest, kindest Twilight fans people who have read Twilight and gotten together to complain about/fix it. Even if I thought Edward and Bella were meant to sparkle together forever, I would still hang out with Team Jacob becuase you guys are just that groovy/wonderful/hot/amazing/welcoming/gifted. I don't care if you don't like me or think I'm a snob, because you at least pretend that you care, and that really says something. I had this really lame idea to do something I shouldn't, but now I'm not going to because you guys remind me what I'm here for, and it's not worth compromising my integrity over. So, thank you all for being so wonderful/classy/sexy/witty/kind/stellar. I love you even when my love for Twilight has turned to scorn. YOU inspire me to write and carry on in this fandom.

I have prepared a selection of GIF's to express my feelings for you in pictures:

(Oh, and If anyone else has any over-emtional confessions of love to make, this would be the post to do it on.)

!mod post, discussion: fandom

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