Halloween Mischief

Oct 31, 2010 17:35

Title: Halloween Mischief
Author: exquisite_ugly
Rating: T (mild sensuality)
Validation Beta: unalike
Summary: Jake gets Bella in on a little Halloween mischief


I have a fondness for Halloween, and I absolutely love fall, so I felt the urge to write this little bit of Halloween fluff and fun. Hope you like!


I finished preparing the chicken and broccoli casserole for Charlie and stuck it in the oven. He was leaving earlier for his shift at the station tonight because of it being Halloween night. Upstairs I took a quick shower and changed into sweats and a long-sleeved jersey; back downstairs the oven timer dinged and Charlie and I ate dinner together.

“I’ll be out late tonight, Bells,” he said as he forked up his last bite of chicken. “It seems Halloween brings out the punks and the mischief-makers,” he added with a roll of his eyes.

“Every year…” he muttered as he walked over to the sink to wash his dishes.

I laughed quietly. “Ok Dad; I’ll probably just stay in and catch up on some reading and wait for any trick-or-treaters.”

He turned to face me, leaning against the counter. “Is Jake coming over?”

I felt my cheeks warm. He didn’t say it, but it was implied. He didn’t like the idea of us being alone together. After the whole cliff-diving fiasco and Jake rescuing me, I gave in and decided to try and give him what he wanted. We had slowly begun dating, though it wasn’t any different than us just hanging out in his garage as friends.

It had been a little hard at first when things began to progress away from friendship and more into relationship territory. I had trouble letting go of my relationship with Edward, and I hadn’t let myself believe I could have a real and happy relationship with someone else because of the depth of love I had felt for Edward. We both knew that love wouldn’t leave entirely, but I began to recognize that I had been falling in love with Jacob shortly after we had started hanging out. My feelings for him were real and strong and together we learned that they were deeper than we both realized.

I was happy with him.

Gradually over the summer we began to take things a little further… going out on dates, kissing, and touching each other a little more. I found I liked it a great deal; it was comforting and exciting all at the same time. Charlie had seen us growing closer over the months and I knew while he was happy about this, he was also beginning to worry about us getting closer.

It was a horrifying experience with him trying to talk to me about that and we both vowed never to speak of it again. But he was still a little weird about us hanging out alone. So Jake took up sneaking into my room so we could have some time alone.

“He’ll probably come over for a little bit, but he won’t be here too long… he has plans with his friends tonight,” I said carefully hiding my face behind my hair.

That mollified him, but only a little. He sighed. “Okay Bells. I’m trusting you; he leaves no later than nine o’clock okay?”

I felt my cheeks flame again. “Sure sure,” I mumbled scrambling out of the kitchen.

After Charlie left, I decided to go for a short walk through the neighborhood. I was getting used to cool, rainy Forks and I particularly was enjoying fall. Since it was a clear evening and no rain for once, I walked down the sidewalk looking at the color of the leaves as their shine faded along with the last vestiges of the sunset.

Pumpkins sat on front steps, railings and around mail boxes all carved with some sort of scary face. Cornstalks lined up in teepee formations and gourds of all colors were sprinkled around to brighten things up. I saw children running inside as the sky grew darker, excited to change into their costumes and go out trick-or-treating.

I turned back toward home, eager to get comfortable with my book until Jake got there. I snuggled down into the couch, book in hand, and read until he arrived. He came breezing into the house, knowing Charlie was at work, bringing in a scent that was solely fall; wood smoke, apples, and cinnamon.

“Hey Bells,” he said cheerfully, lifting my legs and plopping onto the sofa with them on his lap. He leaned over and touched his lips to mine; it was soft and light, just a brushing of lips. I hooked my hand around his neck and his mouth parted, allowing us access to explore each other’s mouth.

“Mmmm,” he sighed. “You taste good.”

I blushed per usual.

We talked and we kissed, watched some television and kissed some more between trick-or-treaters. I passed out quite a few Reese’s Peanut Butter cups and Snickers to kids. When it died down, I was snuggled into Jake on the couch and we were watching a scary Halloween movie. My eyes became heavy with sleep and the next thing I knew I was asleep.

Suddenly I woke when I felt Jake’s warm hands on my face, felt the press of his lips against mine. “Wha…? What is it?” I mumbled. “I just fell asleep.”

He laughed softly. “You’ve been asleep for almost an hour, honey. It’s time to get up and go.”

“An hour? Go?” I asked confused.

He laughed again. “You are so cute when you’re tired and confused. And yes, I have to go meet my friends and I want you to come with me.”

With a groan, I pulled myself up using his arm as leverage. “Why? What’s going on?” I asked, rubbing sleep out of my eyes and feeling a tiny bit more alert.

He smirked. “It’s a surprise. Now hurry… and dress warm!” he said as he disappeared into the kitchen.

I shook my head, but went upstairs to put a sweatshirt over my shirt and changed out of my sweats into jeans. After I pulled my shoes on, I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs. Jake was waiting for me with a thermos that he passed to me. I breathed in the steam of it and smiled at this thoughtfulness. He had heated up some apple cider for me to help keep me warm.

Outside I grinned at the sight of our pumpkins that we had carved the other day together; with their lopsided faces and jagged teeth. In the Rabbit, I blew on my cider and took a careful sip.

“So what’s going on tonight?” I asked curiously.

Jake grinned and pointed in the back seat. Turning around I saw a bag full of silly string and toilet paper and… a football? Realization dawned on me.

“You!” I accused, trying to keep a straight face. “It’s you and your friends that drive Charlie nuts on Halloween night every year, isn’t it?”

Jake gave a belly-laugh. “It’s become a tradition.

“Jake, that’s not nice,” I said, scolding. “And you could get in trouble for defacing public property!”

He wound his fingers with mine. “Aww, come on,” he teased. “It’s all in good fun and this year we have an advantage. He’s never caught us before, but this year, being a wolf comes in handy. We’ll hear them from a mile away,” he said laughing heartily.

I shook my head, but a giggle bubbled up. “So you want me to be involved in this mischief against my own father?”

He smirked.

He pulled up in front of the convenience store. “What are we doing here?” I asked confused. As we got out of the car, I saw Quil and Embry pull up.

“We’re picking up some food,” he said, taking my hand and leading me inside.

“Hey Bella!” Quil called out cheerfully. He swept me up into a hug and spun me around. Laughing I gave him a little shove and found Jake’s hand again.

“You ready for some Halloween mischief?” Embry asked, his eyes twinkling.

“I guess so,” I said with a laugh. “It doesn’t look like I have much of a choice.”

“Dude, try not to be such a pansy this time,” Quil told him as they followed us and grabbed bags of chips. “Last time you squealed like a girl - no offense, Bella - when the cops showed and we took off.”

I heard Embry slap Quil upside the head. “Shut up! They almost caught us, and I didn’t squeal. I was letting you brainless twits know we had to get the hell out of there.”

I laughed at their antics as we grabbed some pre-wrapped hot sandwiches from the deli counter, a few more snacks, and soda. Outside we piled into the cars which they drove back to the reservation. The rest of the guys were there and their imprints, too. I waved to Emily, Kim and Rachel.

“What are we doing?” I was surprised because everyone seemed to be moving towards the woods.

“We’re heading to the football field at Forks High School, but we can’t exactly take our cars. We decided to try running this year,” he said with a grin. “Plus the cops would never be able to find us in here; we know the forest better than anyone.”

He caught me up in his arms and they all began dodging and weaving, chasing each other through the woods until we were in Forks at the high school. I was dizzy from their antics and speed as Jake set me down. We snuck into the football field where they flicked on a small spotlight. Everyone got comfortable on the field and the food was devoured first.

“Dude, go long!” Paul crowed as he whipped out the football. Jared ran so fast he was a blur and Paul whipped it the length of the field.

“Come on, lets pretty the place up first before we play some football,” Quil called out.

Emily, Kim, Rachel and I went to sit down, but Jake caught my hand. “Uh-uh,” he teased. “You’re going to help out.”

He handed me a couple cans of silly string and gave me a sweet kiss. “Get to work,” he said giving me a pat on my behind. I rolled my eyes, but decided to create a few monsters with it.

The guys went to work on writing out Happy Halloween further down the field and the girls decorated the goal posts. I couldn’t help laughing as the guys erected a toilet paper zombie in the stands using one of the support beams. In the end, toilet paper was floating in the breeze, silly string was decorating one part of the field and a silly string fight erupted. I couldn’t stop laughing as they chased us and each other. By the end of it, I was covered in silly string, but I managed to nab Jake a few times as well. They packed everything up, ready for our getaway when the time came.

“Football!” Sam yelled out and the guys converged on the field.

We stood underneath the bleachers to try and stay a little warmer and watch the guys play.

“I’m surprised Sam does this, too,” I said with a chuckle.

Emily grinned. “Yeah, he’s usually trying to keep them in line, but Halloween just brings out the mischievous side in them all. I tried telling him this was ridiculous - that they’re just pissing off the cops - but I got to admit it is kind of fun.”

We all laughed in agreement.

After watching them toss, chase and tackle each other for awhile, the girls went to sit on the bleachers, but I stayed where I was. Idly, I watched the guys huddle in the field, talking. I just realized Jake wasn’t in that huddle when I felt arms encircle me from behind.

“Boo,” he whispered huskily as I jumped and squeaked in surprise.

“What are you doing?” I said shoving my elbow back into his stomach.

“We’re done playing anyway, and I wanted to see you,” he murmured against my ear, stirring the strands of hair there.

I shivered, burrowing back into his warmth.

“Oh Bells, you’re such a tease,” he said with a little laugh. I was about to ask what he was talking about, but then it became clear to me as I felt him against my back.

My cheeks flamed, but I guess the mischief in me was running pretty rampant, too, as my back arched. I rubbed lightly against him, eliciting a groan from him.

“Evil vixen,” he whispered just before his teeth caught my earlobe.

My breath quickened as we continued to rub against each other. His fingers dipped underneath my shirt, lightly rubbing over my naval. I sighed, tilting my head to the side to give him better access to my neck.

His fingers eased higher against my bare skin, teeth scraping along my neck. Goosebumps rose, but the warmth of his hands kept me from being too cold. I wondered briefly if I should stop him, but then I decided I really didn’t want him to as he reached the underside of my breasts.

He lightly rubbed a thumb over the tip, and I moaned softly. “Jake…” I sighed in pleasure.

The darkness of the night shrouded us. We could easily see the guys on the field in front of us and could hear the girls in the bleachers above us which made it more exciting. Jake’s fingers slid under the cotton of my bra, touching me there for the first time with no barrier.

I hooked an arm up and back around his neck, pushing against him. He swallowed hard as I felt his hips moved forward seeking me.

Suddenly the guys jerked to attention and so did Jake.

“Cops,” he whispered in my ear. “Great timing,” he muttered.

Jake stooped low, and I managed to scramble onto his back without falling as Emily, Rachel, and Kim did the same with Sam, Paul, and Jared. They took off, dodging and slipping easily out of the stadium away from my dad and his deputies. I caught a glimpse of the flash of cop cars.

“Damn it!” I heard my dad swear as we weaved silently by. “They got away again.”

As soon as we hit the woods, the guys phased. We had done this before, but it was always an odd feeling clinging to the boy you loved and then all of a sudden you were riding a wolf. I let loose a peal of laughter, giddy with getting away with it even at poor Charlie’s expense.

I hunkered low, lying against the fur of Jake’s neck, watching as the branches of the trees reached out trying to snag unsuspecting passer-by. The moon was full and bright, and I could see the see the stars gleaming in the sky on this unusually clear night. It would normally be scary to be in the woods this time of night, but I was riding my own personal werewolf.

They all howled in response to our laughter. Once Jake reached my house, he stopped just inside the line of the forest. I slid down his back until I was upright. He phased back; I kept my eyes on his chest and up. I had never had the nerve to look any lower.

He looked exhilarated, and I laughed. “I’ll come back later, okay?” he said, unembarrassed about being naked in front of me.

Feeling free and a little more brave than usual, I met his eyes. “Yeah, do that,” I said. “I have my own Halloween costume - and it’s only for your eyes,” I said, biting my lip and letting my gaze flick downward very briefly.

My eyes widened a little as they skirted back up quickly. Wow.

He stared at me, his mouth popping open a bit.

I turned around and headed for the back door trying not to laugh, blush, or turn and jump into his arms. “Damn,” I heard him whisper from behind me. “You better believe I’ll be back… and soon.”

I giggled and slipped into the house, eager to dig out the lingerie Renee had bought for me and I hadn’t worn yet and to further my relationship with Jake. It seemed the Halloween fun wasn’t over yet.


one shot

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