i SWEAR i wasn't the person who wrote this...really

Sep 28, 2010 17:20

If you are a fanfic writer, please take a moment to read the following article. It is amazingly snarky and hilariously sarcastic and informative. There's so much crap going around these days about the non-exisitant rights of fic authors, and this helps clear the subject up beautifully I think.

Click to read snazzy article/post thing.

Moral of the story: you can't copyright your fanfiction. When some one "plagiarizes" your fic, it's rude but it's not illegal. Remember, friends, we don't even own the sandbox we're playing in. Fanfiction is illegal in the first place.

Also, feel free to use this post to discuss the amusing popularity of authors pulling their fics to get them "published." A topic always worth some giggles and high blood pressure.

discussion: fanfic trends, discussion: fandom

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