Sharing Some J/B Love!

Sep 23, 2010 11:01

This is not something that I would normally post here, but I thought it would be nice to share some J/B fanfic recognition and possibly introduce you to a J/B fanfic that you've not read yet. Last week a lovely J/B writer, wordslinger, aka Candace, was the guest reviewer at a sited called

The site is very flamboyant and some of their segments may be a bit more risque than what we are use to, but this segment was share worthy and you will see that wordslinger is a true J/B fan. After all it's showcasing some really good J/B fics. (And I hope no one here thinks I'm sharing this because one of my stories was featured. That's not the case. I simply wanted everyone to know that there is a lot of J/B love out there, if you know where to look. I think we may have a couple of the other stories here or have discussed them before.) So, click the case file to be directed to the site. :)

discussion: general, discussion: twilight fandom

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