aserkjti3wvtc. yeah.

May 07, 2010 19:12

So I know that everybody and their mother is posting this, but I had to do it anyway:

GIF by alex_davis11

Um. Maybe I haven't been kissing the right people, but Tabrett Bethell makes kissing look so delicious.


(No, SRSLY - there are no words for how sexy that kiss is!)

Also, what I love about this kiss is that it seems like a completely different dynamic compared to the Cara/"Cordelia" kiss. In this case, Cara actually seems to want to kiss Dahlia - she's hungry for it (look at her lips! look at how she kisses her, before she actually does the kissing!) and reminds me of a "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER LET'S MAKE OUT NOW" kiss, whereas with "Cordelia" it was more of a dominance thing. (Though Dahlia could at least have the grace to look a little more excited about the kiss. I mean, it's CARA, what the fuck else do you want, girl?!)

ANYWAY. The point is?

♥ ♥ ♥

fandom: legend of the seeker

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