seeker 02x10 picspam, yo.

Jan 31, 2010 13:01


So, like, a bunch of stuff happens where Richard THE ONE TRUE SEEKER has a bad dream where Kahlan has a BABY with THE NEW SEEKER (not Richard 2.0, but another one). Blah, blah, blah - actually, this episode was actually pretty decent on plot.

Anyway, 20 minutes later. We pick up with Cara, Kahlan, Richard 2.0, and Zedd.

Apparently (if you didn't already get this in the previous episode), Richard 2.0 is a real nature-y, animal-y type of guy. He continues trying to woo Cara and asks her about what type of bird she'd like to be. Cara responds with some kind of bird that kills anything in sight (LOL, typical), and he continues with, "Well, I would be a parrot [some type of bird that are the only kinds of bird that would fly with your type of bird]." Aww. How sweet. Cara, of course, refuses to be drawn into his hot, manly charm and tells him to go away.

Then Kahlan comes up and is slightly amused yet possessive at the same time.
Cara: No duh, BFF.
Kahlan: Plz remember that I am the only one allowed in your pants.

When Kahlan is satisfied that Cara isn't really falling for Richard 2.0, she walks off. And they all stumble upon the entrance to the Old World, and go in to save Kahlan's ONE TRUE LOVE, RICHARD.

Throughout their EPIC JOURNEY TO SAVE RICHARD, Kahlan is worried that Richard 2.0 might try something with Cara. So naturally, she confronts him. What they end up talking about is how AWESOME Richard 2.0 is and how he fought in this huge battle and came out unscarred and is basically perfect. Richard 2.0 walks off, basking in his awesome glow, while Kahlan contemplates.

Cara comes along and is like, "Uh BFF, you don't like him too, do you?" And Kahlan is like, "Richard 2.0 is pretty awesome and manly. You can sleep with him, whatevs." Cara takes this into serious consideration because she and Kahlan have not had sex in a very long time.

So then they stop at some random place because it's raining pretty heavily, and Cara, having taken Kahlan's advice, is checking Richard 2.0 out. He takes off his shirt because it adds to his manly mystique and because if there's one thing Cara can't resist, clearly it's MAN WITHOUT SHIRT ON! AND THEN SHE MAKES OUT WITH HIM. He's pretty much just like, "WHOA, YOU ARE MAKING OUT WITH ME." And she is like, "YES." And then they're on the ground, and he's on top - but of course that's not cool with Cara the Motherfucking Mord'Sith, so she rolls him over so that she's on top. HAWT.

The next day, Richard 2.0 is all like, "HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL GF." And Cara is like, "WTF? Sleeping with you does not make me your girlfriend." Anyway, the point of this is to show you all the WTF look on Cara's face.

Kahlan is pretty much resigned to the fact that she has to cheer her lover BFF up whenever Richard 2.0 says something to upset her, which is always. So she walks over to her BFF Cara and is like, "HAI, LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, BFF." (See second to third row of caps!) And CARA LETS HER. Sort of. (She does not approve of Kahlan touching her where the camera can see). Anyway, Kahlan smiles at her and tells her to tell Richard 2.0 of her EPIC FEELINGS FOR HIM, but Cara is quiet and contemplative (and we all know what she really wants to say is, "BUT KAHLAN, I HAS FEELINGZ FER YOOOOUUUUU").

In this next scene, they arrive at the Palace of the Prophets, where they think RICHARD THE ONE TRUE SEEKER IS. Kahlan is all excited to see her one true love at last! Cara is about to take Kahlan's awesome advice and confess that she has feelings for Richard 2.0, but before she can do so, they realize something is wrong. Cara is back at Kahlan's side where she belongs, her agiels at the ready.

So then they get taken to the Pralet (in the first cap) and find out that they're being held hostage. Zedd gets stabbed by the Pralet's blade thingy, and CARA DOES NOT APPROVE and rushes over to yank it out of Zedd, only to have Kahlan tell her not to because of some magicky thingy where only Sisters of the Light/Dark can remove it. Sister Verna (in the last cap) does not approve of everything that's going on in this scene.

So because Sister Verna does not approve, she does something about it. She takes the magical blade thingy and throws it at the Pralet. So now the Pralet has to let them out!

Then Sister Verna takes them to where Richard THE ONE TRUE SEEKER is - which is the desert. Kahlan tries to rush in to save her ONE TRUE LOVE, but everyone tries to stop her because once she goes in she will never come out. Cara looks at Kahlan like, "What are you going to do now BFF? What are we going to do?! RICHARD IS STUCK IN THERRRRRRR." And Kahlan is like, "We're all SCREWED." So Zedd is like, "LET ME TRY MY POWERFUL MAGIC, YOU GUYZZZ." Except before he can, Sister Nicci - and she's the hot bad guy - throws one of those blade thingies at them, and everyone has to duck! It ALMOST GETS KAHLAN IN THE HEAD, except it doesn't, so all is well. Then we get a gratuitous hot shot of Sister Nicci with her dark sisters flanking her side.

Glorious fight scene ensues! With Cara looking FIERCE and everyone kicking ass. (I thought the colouring of the whole ep was a bit odd, but the entire desert scene was just so pretty - I almost didn't add any extra colouring or anything like that).

AND THEN. AND THEN. AND THEN CARA SAVES KAHLAN'S LIFE. IT IS AWESOME AND HOT. In my head, there is this little backstory where Sister Nicci and Cara used to be BFFs LOVERS and now that Cara is totally boning the Mother Confessor, Sister Nicci does not approve and is clearly jealous. I love the look on Cara's face when she glares back at Sister Nicci, like "BACK OFF, BITCH. SHE'S MINE."

(Also, you can see what is clearly a computer animation on the third cap of the third row).

I think my favourite part of this scene is how Cara just does saves her life, without thinking - it just shows how it's pretty much second nature to her. Also, the fact that no one notices because they're all caught up in the heat of the battle is probably one of my favourite things. I don't know how to explain it, you guys!

And here is the part where poor Cara gets her heart broken! :( Leo, also seeing that Sister Nicci is still trying to kill Kahlan, jumps in front of her epic lightning bolt and catches on fire. Cara's expression is just heartbreaking - but she has no time to think about it because Kahlan is still alive and Nicci is still trying to kill her. (The expression on Nicci's face is smug and all like, "Well at least I killed ONE of your lovers.") Anyway, Cara is all ready to defend Kahlan to the death, when THEY ARE ALL SAVED BECAUSE RICHARD 2.0 HAS AWOKEN FROM HIS EPIC NIGHTMARE.

Kahlan is like, "OMG RICHARD MY ONE TRUE LOVE IS BACK!!!" Sister Nicci does not approve, and tries to kill him. Only, Zedd comes back and finishes her off in a big ball of fire. Richard and Kahlan are so happy to see each other that they make out right then and there. (I actually really like this scene because Richard looks like such a little boy because his joy at seeing Kahlan is so palpable!) Zedd and Sister Verna look on like proud parents (it just struck me, while I was capping, how much they look like a family in that scene). And then they remember that Richard 2.0 is dead, and Kahlan's not even like "OMG, Richard 2.0 is dead!" The first words out of her mouth are, "OMG, CARA."

And I love this scene so much, because Cara and her emotions! Plus, Zedd puts a hand on Cara's shoulder in COMFORT and she doesn't even blink.

Now we move on to the funeral pyre for Richard 2.0, and we see that Cara has actually kept the flower that matches her leather. And she gives it back to Richard 2.0, and tells him she did have feelings for him, and then lights it on fire. Cara gives the compass back to Richard, and tells him that she just wants to continue on their epic adventurrrrrz.

And so they all leave for their next adventure.

&picspam, fandom: legend of the seeker

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