Jan 05, 2008 12:07
So I just got back from spending the morning at the hospital. My brother od'd this morning. My mom had to break into his bathroom and found him unconscious next to a needle and spoon. Apparently he's been doing heroin again for a couple of months. I'm not surprised by it, but it still feels shocking. The hospital should be releasing him in a few hours then he'll be arrested sometime tonight or tomorrow. Since he's on probation from the time he od'd last year he's definitely doing jail time. Maybe it'll be good for him. I really want to be mad at him, but it's so hard. I know he wants to be clean, but he just can't do it yet. When I went into see him he sobbed about how sorry he was and how he's an idiot. I don't think I've ever seen my brother cry like that before. I really wish there was some way to fix this. Something that could be done to just make him not addicted anymore. How do you deal with knowing there's a good chance that your brother will die before he's out of his 20's?