Feb 23, 2005 02:24
I hate not being able to sleep. My mind's heavy right now w/a couple situations that are really bothering me. One of the beauties of being such a simpleton is that it's very easy to shut my brain off when it's time to sleep, allowing me to drift quickly and effortlessly into unconsciousness. There's not exactly a lot of activity there to quiet, y'know?
Tonight, however, my subconscious won't shut up, which is why I'm sitting at a computer at 0230, since I have no one to talk to and nothing really to distract me at the particular moment.
Situation #1 is tomorrow's anatomy test, which is sure to kick the crap outta me. I try and I try to study, but he's thrown a semester's worth of material at us in both sections so far and I can't get a handle on all of it. I can't remember everything I need to, and it's starting to get very discouraging. I've never been one to give up or back down in the face of a challenge, but this one seems too big. I doubt I'll fail, but it's quite possible that I'll barely pass and I've never been so impotent in the classroom. This sucks.
I've studied and studied tonight, and I'm only gonna allow myself to sleep 6 hours tonight so I can get up and bury myself in the book tomorrow for a few hours before showtime, but I still feel totally inadequate. This really, really sucks.
I don't really want to get into the other thing, but I'm faced w/a situation that plays on a major pet peeve of mine and it's been beating me up all night. I'd desperately like to stop thinking about it, especially w/the test looming, but my annoyance is burning hotter the older the night grows, and it only got worse when I tried to sleep.
This really hasn't been a good night. At least my near-severed finger no longer hurts and seems to be completely reattached. So, I got that goin' for me...