i finished watching firefly today :D
i started it a week ago or so. i forget now. but yeah, i liked it :D it's a shame it ended so soon. idk it has a certain sort of charm. all the characters were fun and for some strange reason, i'd say i was drawn to simon the most. i have no idea why. maybe it was coz he was the cute, smart doctor that was a huge dork at the same time? jayne really pissed me off at the start but then he grew on me by the end of it. man, the guy is soooo dense XD and that song of his. just O.O
kaylee was cuuuuute <3 i can see why she has so many fans :D and i can also see why a lot of people were disappointed in keller when keller first came along to sga. both characters are preeeeettty shiny different. and i had to double take when we saw how mal met her. it was lol XD inara was interesting. i liked her and mal's bickering XD when i think of sg1's adria, i thought the two were similar. that's because most of what i saw of inara was bitch, bitch, bitch. same with adria. but adria was a super bitch. although i really shouldn't compare the two since inara had bucketloads more of character depth than adria did. i've got a bad habit of comparing different chracters an actor has played. but don't get me wrong, i don't dislike inara at all XD she was shiny too.
i should go off and watch serenity to refresh my mind on the movie. it'll probably make more sense too. river was so much more kick ass in the film and maybe because i remembered that, i kept on expecting her to bust out the ass kickery. but she did kick ass, just not the way she does in the movie XD watching river and jayne or river and book interact was always amusing :3
i think the person i least liked on the team was wash. he didn't interest me that much and was sometimes annoying to listen to XD but he had his shiny moments too.
i can't put a finger on which ep was my fave but i have to say jaynestown was one of them XD ariel was another one. least fave would probably have been trash. idk i wasn't paying too much attention to the ep when i played it.
anyway one less thing i have to finish watching now XD i forget how long ago i bought the firefly dvds. time to do other stuff XD oh yeah i started watching smile. current j drama starring matsujun as the half-filo gangsta umm sod. i'm finding it interesting coz it's a drama bringing to light shit a japanese person with a different background would have to deal with. clearly matsujun's character is soto here. no naka for him. /in-joke
i sort of want to start translating this show. my nihongo should be up to scratch but yeah, i'd be slow with it. i probably wouldn't bother making subs for it, if i did translate it. i'd just rather someone else make the subs for me XD the current team doing it... have only just released ep 3 (there are 7 eps out already) and are doing the quiz show season 2 (latest release was ep 4 out of 7 eps so far) at the same time. ahhh i'm so lazy, i'd rather be watching subs than having to try to comprehend for myself. i also like having subs to fall back on when i do try to follow what's being said and stumble. now that the group subbing smile have limited distribution, looks like i can't get ep 3 unless i join their group and submit an application to them, which i already did. now i have to wait for acceptance. but i've heard that can take up to a month sometimes. orz
anyway went to the doc's yesterday. i've just got the usual flu that comes 'round this time of the year. :D i'm feeling a lot better now too cept for this weird headache. meh. i should get some sleep, i'm off to work tomorrow.
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