lol i watched all of code geass season 2 in 24 hours. not hard to do really. i had my day off and i didn't move the whole day. just stayed in front of my bf's pc watching geass. actually, i think i finished watching all of geass in a week. i forget when i started watching it. maybe it was friday night at work. *shrug*
so what do i think of geass? it's fucking drugs. lol. it sucked me in and i had to know what happened next. i just had to. goddammit. and season 1 ending like that. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.. but yeah, nice high qual. production. songs were alright, but i think that my standard of anime music has a high bar thanks to watching all of macross frontier. and the huge dramatic scene at the end made me really want to cry for lulu and suzaku ;___________;
also *spoilers* imo lulu is totally alive at the end of it all. my theory is that him and cc ran off together to live in secrecy or some shit. nunnally was able to see some of lulu's recent past just before he 'died' and cc was talking with him in the end. from what we know, cc was originally a geass user but then her power peaked and then she became immortal. when people touch her, she can make them see her past. idk. i have yet to look at the internets about what we know to be official and shits.
i found that i like lulu/kallen over lulu/shirley and i thought lulu/cc was boring. also nunnally got annoying for me at one point but then was alright at the end, i guess. most characters were likeable characters for me. suzaku pissed me off a lot of the time but i still <3 him. i thought marianne was a disappointment too D:
anyway idk what else to think. the art was pretty, lelouch was pretty and zero's a bastard <3 i thought the high school emphasis was bit much sometimes and i noticed a lot of fan-service shots. especially with kallen lol.
i'm glad i finished watching geass. now i know what all the fuss is about XD
~ e L i S e XD