walk when they say run and sit when they say stand

Sep 28, 2009 18:26


I had a horrific bout of evil flu last week, which coincided nicely with the most drama-sodden time period I have had this ENTIRE YEAR (it was, however, nice that all of the drama had nothing to do with any actions of mine -- too often I behave like a shithead, reap the rewards, whine about it, and then feel like even MORE of a shithead for whining about the sometimes very fair results of my shitheadery).

But then my symptoms started to fade, I ended up not aaaactually losing my voice like I'd feared/hoped (losing your voice is a hilarious process, and I like being entertained), and I got to spend the day happily reading posts about why Roman Polanski does not deserve leniency and the so-called mitigating factors in his case are a pile of bullshit. \o/ I very pointedly did not read any posts that I thought would upset me and have thus far managed to avoid rage. YAY.

HAPPIER THINGS. Week before last, I saw the Gaslight Anthem and Frank Turner at the Chain Reaction in Anaheim. I have been trying to see Gaslight for about a year now. I'm kind of glad that it took so long to happen, because they have really honed their stage show and seeing them in a hypothetical period when they sucked would've been so sad. They were aaaawesome. I sang that as I typed it, by the way, so please imagine it in sing-song in your head. Or possibly hum it to yourself. Whatever works! I'm also glad I saw them at this point, because word on the street (read: word from my ex-boyfriend who interned at their label this last summer) is that they're going to disappear into the studio for a while now, and they expect their next record to be a Big Damn Deal, which means larger venues. And no more touring for a while. Boo, but also yay, because I want another Gaslight Anthem album. It appears that wish is going to be granted! Frank Turner also kicked ass, which I enjoyed, even though he has a history of being so wrong on the internet that it hurts me.

Dollhouse was so excellent this week, hot Goddamn. It seemed like Eliza Dushku did some acting workshopping or some shit during hiatus. I've not had huge problems with her acting in the past, I just kind of found it unimpressive, but this time around, I dunno, she just really worked for me. Go Eliza! Yay! Amy Acker really stole the show for me this time around, though. I'm excited about the way her plotline is playing out. I need moar Boyd in my life, though. I'm interested to see where the Paul/Echo dynamics are headed, in large part because I think Paul makes for a shitty hero character. It's nice that the show seems to agree with me.

Mmmm, autumn. I am watching too fucking much television, so of course it's the perfect time for me to start watching The Big Bang Theory. Still, the show is a good deal more charming than I thought it'd be, especially given that it's produced by Chuck Lorre. Instead, it's pretty sweet. &Sheldon;! I mainlined a whole bunch of episodes, and they made me laugh. Maybe one day I will actually watch the shows I keep meaning to get to, like The O.C. and Southland and Party Down and Greek and I know I'm forgetting like sixty more.

Tonight: I head to chapel with my father. I'm probably gonna watch tonight's How I Met Your Mother first and then spend the hour in chapel restraining myself from referring to God as "bro" in my prayers. \o/ or maybe /o\, who even knows at this point.

failing at humanity, turn off the idiot box!

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