Sep 20, 2007 11:35
Much as I like seeing a liberal weiner brutalized, that kid at University of Florida didn't deserve to get tased. Sure he was a total asshole - he was most likely taking so long getting to the point either because he is insane, drawing attention to himself, or (most likely) vain - but he was still exercising his right to free speech. The UF security acted in a shameful and excessive manner. Kick the kid out, don't deep fry him with your taser, geez. That being said, these were dumb ass cop wannabes, not the Thought Police, so lets not all get in a tizzy about the state of free speech in America. I love that Europeans are getting a kick out of this. I guess the bed-wetters don't realize that in Europe you can be arrested for voicing your opinion in a book or in a sermon. Who has the crisis now? I love John Kerry's response too: "Um. . .lets just let this kid get curb-stomped then we can move on." Kind of gives you an idea of what his response would be were our nation attacked again.
Barry Bonds is a chump and everyone should vote to have the asterisk branded on the #756 home run ball.
I'm pretty sure the President is hitting the bottle again. He's messing up a lot even for him and now he's basically removed himself from public view altogether. I've distanced myself from the President now for various reasons; chiefly among which is his betrayal of conservative principles and his sacrifice of ideology for comfort. He's now just a lame duck and its a shame. But as wrong as he's been, he's still not as wrong as the Democratic party has been.
Mitt Romney is John Kerry with an elephant pin. He's fake and I advise everyone against voting for him. If he wins the nomination, Republicans lose.
Ron Paul is not a war-time president. He's an isolationist and would put our nation's security up for committee vote. Were we not at war, however, he'd have my vote.
John McCain is not going to win, which is a shame. He's the first candidate I've heard who explains discrepancies in his voting record by saying "I was wrong."
For the love of God support Obama over Clinton. I would much rather have an inexperienced, naive, rock star like Obama win over Clinton.
Dennis Kucinich is a traitor. He is the Joseph Kennedy of our time. His only positive point is that his wife is hot.