The Somewhat Decent Political Test

Aug 25, 2004 15:31

Describe your stance on:

Abortion: Not Good

Affirmative Action: Rascist

Age of Consent: I think the set rate of 17 is pretty good.

Animal Testing: is terribly sad. we should go back to the german 40's style and only test on jews

Death Penalty: the most hypocritical idea ever, and downright retarded

Downloading Music/Movies: the ridiculous pricing of a film or a cd has had a negative effect on the industry, pirating. its only fair.

Drug Decriminalization: Legalizing drugs would stop kids from doing it. kids can get pot easier than they can a beer.

Factory Farming: bad

Free Trade: communist didnt need free trade and neither do i, suckers

Funding of Arts: YES YES YES. the lack of money for new museums, theatres, art house, etc is a travesty.

Gay Marriage: Its their right

Gun Control: hillbillys with guns just hoping a "negro" steps on their property so they can use it is a bad idea.

Immigration: I feel the level of immigration control in America is good. though its sad that conditions are so bad in other countries that it needs to happen

Hardcore Pornography: hey, just so long as the donkey and midget agree to do it, i see no harm

Human Cloning: one day there shall be an entire army of Zach' day

Miltary Draft: If its ABSOLUTELY neccasary than we have no choice. However that does not refer to invading countries because George W. doesnt like them.

Minimum Wage: it has been raised mere pennys over the past 50 years while inflation goes up whole dollars every decade.

Prostitution: we all need to make a living

School Vouchers: great for inner city youth good at basketball, they can play for harvard now.

Taxes: bush's tax cuts are retarded. i hate losing 50 bucks from every paycheck, but taxes are a neccisity

United Nations: good

Universal Health Care: a good plan in theory, but somewhat harder in reality.

War on Terrorism: as futile as the war on ants.

Welfare: a must have in our country after bush's economic crash. if i need to pay a few dollars so that familys are able to actually eat, then i'll manage.
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