Hey Actives! We may not have came in first this apocalypse, but I'm sure you know that all our actives are winners just the same. Congratulations to Team Buffy, we always like an underdog at Team Dollhouse ;).
We have two new actives to welcome to our house,
kateshepard and
cardboardcornea !!!
Instead of just the normal welcome and gif post, I thought we might do a
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Original Personality: (tell us anything you like about yourself) I'm a twenty-something tv addict, who also works with kids (and they drive me batty.)
Favourite characters and pairings (Whedon): Spike, Andrew, Topher, Billy (aka Dr Horrible). I'm sure there are more, but I am fried from fangirling.
Favourite fandoms/characters/pairings (Non-Whedon): Logan Echolls (VMars), The West Wing, Friday Night Lights, more...
Requests: (Preferably Team related: Team Icons, Sig Banners, gifs for gif parties, Team profile badges, etc) I am in need of another team icon, hopefully still with Jensen Ackles (or Dean Winchester) and beer. (See what I did there?) Supernatural gifs, or whatever you want to do that might make Auntie Beer a very happy girl.
Specifics for requests:
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