Guest LJ Day: sixteenbynine Speaks!

Feb 25, 2005 01:01

So I turn on daytime soaps for the first time in, like, forever, and realized within the span of a few seconds why I haven't watched them. Ugh.
"Hey, gang, here's these cheesy-looking faux-chintz-gloss interiors! Let's put some hammy actors in front of it and tell a WUB STOWY!"

How anyone can watch this stuff without having their brain turn into Stilton cheese is beyond me.

Ugh. Ugh and ugh again.

If these are "soaps", then this must be that nasty pseudo-classy hand soap they give you in two-star hotels, the kind that leaves your hands feeling like sandpaper. And was probably tested on animals, too.

Now there's a horrible though: a whole row of rabbits with their heads clamped down having "One Life To Live" beamed into their brains.


*digs out "Fear Of A Black Hat" as an antidote*
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