super massive post:

Dec 04, 2006 23:05

it was rad. that about sums it up. k-bye!

just playing its no fun with out pictures & a little story no? :)

urban craft uprising was held at the seattle center exhibition hall this past weekend. it was super duper. lots of people, lots of good handmade wares & other crafty folks who rock.

saturday: was bananas. we (me my four kids & my man) arrived for set up at 9:45am and there were already people line up around the block to get in. it was insane! lucky for me i had a great spot & i make small stuff so my stuff is generally easy to cart around. the doors opened to the public at 11:00 am sharp. they even gave us a 2 minute warning beforehand which at the time was strange to me because i felt like we were getting to race or something... but once i looked up through the main doors it was like that one old mervyn's ad- faces pressed against the windows chanting "open-open-open!" when they opened the doors the first 100 guests received a huge goody bag filled to the brim with awesome stuff including bust magazines. i wish i could've had one!!!

my very first customer was 2 minutes into the event & i was still tagging my items! that was the pace of the entire day.

at 3:00pm that day i participated in the fashion show. the lovely markia of empire waste designs invited me to model for her. myself and two of her super rad friends modelled her awesome shirts & the fabulous JB Hoffman's rocking record bags as well. i had to have my hair & make up done for this thing the girls from Vain whipped me up with an updo with big bird yellow hair extensions to boot.

here's a close up but forgive my goofy facial expression:

i personally do not have many clear photos of me being on the run way. i did two different shirts one for Empire Waste & one for Urban Craft Uprising merch. but thankfully the two tranny's worked the runway first before everyone. they were fabulous! i am jealous of their skills. and their makeup was better than mine too!!!


was my favourite. (picture stolen from Bre P. of Make & Craft Magazine). there were loads of photos taken so maybe i'll post better ones as they pop up. i will say that beth ditto from the band the gossip did not mcee the fashion show (thankfully in my opinion-but i'm not a fan of her there ya go) but anna banana from pretty parlor did! she was soooooo cute in her tutu. :) i. need. a. tutu!

so saturday went by in a blaze. it was rad. i sold more than half of my inventory. so i had to go home and make more! i was up till 2-3am just burning on fumes:

yes that's right i even stooped to the lowest low and had mcdonalds that day... barf. behind the beer & mcdonalds. was a pile of silk and glue.


people were lined up around the corner again. it was just baffling. and it was a wee bit nippy out that morning too. those poor folks but the first 100 got free swag. :)

here's me setting up:

some close ups of my fave resin clips:

all four of these are left:

sunday was much more managable. still busy but at a good pace. i like i could think about what i was saying. i even had an opportunity to visit with some crafty folks.

of course my faves: anna perrone who is my rummage neighbor she had a MASSIVE table of stuff! it was so awesome!!! mike of 100 flowers had t-shirts!!! feminista of construction for all had some suuuuuuper cute stuff! moxie had some reallllllly rad rings. i met stitch pixie!!! she was so cute and petite :0) she came up to my table and introduced herself. she had some rad stuff! and i also met slow loris of i had purchased a few of her shirts in the past but its always great to meet the artist/crafter behind the work. gah there were soooo many folks that were familar and that i was happy to see. and prolly my most fave (as always) is sara lanzillotta the lovely lady behind devout dolls. oddly i didn't think to snap up a picture of her table! she is the bestest. her stuff is so well made and i just adore it all! (her stuff will be on display at mayra's store!) she had awesome help this time around too!

again picture stolen from Bre P. of Make/Craft Magazine... (sorry Bre!)

speaking of help... sunday mini thea version ..1 came to help. she had a fantastic time. she got to do a little work, go check out some really great stuff she loved it all. and if that doesn't solidfy my reasoning on why should i ever return to being a corporate whore i dunno what will.

okay back to the Craft magazine folks. so i'll admit i feel bad now about posting that i thought it was a wee bit overpriced...i really loved it though! but now i feel bad after meeting the editor Natalie & the media guy Bre (breeeee). they gave me free buttons and tried to give me a free issue because i mentioned that i read the interview of her that marie from the sampler had with her in CROQ. ("its a small craft world....after all")but i already had a free issue from them and i would've felt like i was stealing if i took another one! eep- i hope i didn't hurt her feelings. and shit you know it would've been a great gift for someone! damn i'm stupid sometimes.....

ANYWAYS....Bre was nice. he noticed that i had a Jet City Rollergirls button on (i pimp when i can!) and he asked me about roller derby and that he had a friend that checked it out and loved it and he said that he wanted to go see girls in skirts go beat each other up. and i said "i know who doesn't!" so i gave him our website and the seattle roller derby league's website too because after all i do love them. (thanks to the few sockit wenches that stopped my table too! i love you gals!!!- i wish i could've made it to the volunteer appreciation skate!!! i heard i made the top 10 volunteers list. woot woot!) i wanted to get a picture of Bre wearing my button (because i gave him mine) just to be goofy and asian -cuz i'm a total creepy stalker tourist but this is all i got:

he's sitting the chair (i'm taking this from my table) but you can see the button! lol! i'm a dork. he did do this cute little cataloging of the scarves he saw that day:

god i am goofy looking!!! (another photo stolen from Bre!) check out the craft blog entry about UCU!!! and check out Bre's Flickr montage of scarves oh and Natalie's photoset on the event too!

and i will love you forever if you post a comment on this picture. may i suggest that roller derby chicks are hot! or something to that effect lol!!! i kid. :)

and speaking of derby chicks. thanks to my sweethearts on my own league who came out to say hi! i love you girls!!!

here's a few more random shots from UCU:

the lovely ladies in the above pic is cassandra on the right of the bathery, ihr, & UCU AND seattle craft mafia and her very good friend since the second grade who has a shop in tacoma called urban exchange. i love cassandra she has been so wonderful to me since day one! she even donated a lovely gift basket of her wares to my roller derby league's holiday charity fundraiser! (she lives up north in our stomping grounds)

and sweetie pie larry and his record purses! we were almost back to back in our table arrangement. you can see jina right behind larry (in blue).

these bags are to die for! and i cannot believe it...but he donated on for my roller derby charity event too! i could cry!!!!

ahhh.... so we ended on a great note (it was even one of the ladies behind UCU's birthday yesterday and we all sang happy birthday to her) and i'm looking towards the next one for sure! if you're still searching for gifts please check out the links to the vendors that were there this weekend. or check out your own local craft scene!

thank you for reading this massive post!

tomorrow is my son's 10th birthday!!! woot woot! i'll be making a memory lane post of mr. calvinator the former fat one.

oh and me & a few of my people (my partner in crime stace will be there for you mamas who know us) from my roller derby league will be on a local tv show tomorrow! even my coach will be there! cory pain. :) more on that in a bit. we're just filiming a PSA on our event this upcoming weekend but we get to tool around in the audience which should be a good time. yay!!!!

craft show, craft, ucu, seattle,

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