uber post

Oct 18, 2006 14:16

nothing really special just lots to talk about. first let's all get a chuckle out of how incredibly "chinky"(-that's right i said it!) i look in this picture taken last night:

(thank you el jay for taking pics at practice last night!).

keeping on the derby front- tomorrow eryn blockabitch, tanque, blondie bomb-her & i (nova payne) will be on the BJ Shea show on KISW tomorrow morning in the 8am hour representing the Jet City Rollergirls discussing women's lib- i guess??? local friends be sure to tune in and those who aren't check their website to see pics (hopefully they will post some). i've only been on the radio once in high school. wish me luck on not dropping the F-bomb on air.

here's your oddity deal of the day. those of you who have big lots around you go there to buy this:

$1.50! who doesn't love the theme to halloween???

on to domestics- i finally got around to jamming this weekend! here's a funky pic of it boiling down:

all jarred up:

( they are black n' blue berry jams) heheheheheeeh... aka rollergirl jam. i had some extra blackberries (those who jam/can know you gotta have the EXACT amount of fruit/pectin/sugar) so i made a tarte like thingie:

shortbread crust, blackberry puree, apples topped with cinnamon & organic sugar which was like sugar in the raw sized. yum!

and website update- i have been horrible about doing them lately. i've been so busy with derby and other things this week that i am sooooo behind its so gross. i just keep telling myself that i just have to live through this week (we have our first huge JCRG event this week) and then i can get back on track. but i do have this one tasty viddle to share:

mama sized! its not on my site yet but i'll be selling it for $40.00 USD if anyone is interested in it now. the print is so cute and for awhile it was out of print. i'm not sure if it still is. i also have FINALLY make baby clips for the wee ones!!!!! no pictures though :(

speaking of making stuff- i can't believe that i don't have a picture of all the shirts i've silkscreened for derby. its been so much fun but it is a lot of work! i'll try to share some pics of them soon. we'll have some to sell on our site in the very near future.

so that's about it. just gearing up for our derby event this friday which i think is pretty close to being sold out if its not already. its crazy!!! and i will be getting my kill bill on ruby ruckus!!!!!! mwhahahahahahahhahahahaha. its gonna be a hoot i hope see a bunch of my peeps there to support us & the awesome bands who are so awesome to help us out.

so there's my uber post! i hope everyone is doing well & bundling up its been hella cold up this way & this morning reeked of ocean here at sea level. the stinky seaweed smell. mmmm...fun. lol!

domestics, derby, theastarr.com

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