I love boing boing & more (xpost)

Aug 02, 2006 10:46

(xpost because i dunno how to do the feed thingie...)

Its a constant source of inspiration. Well first AmandaPants are you out there? Well if you are, this article on Boing Boing made me think of you.

Also there was a link to The Anticraft. Which I found their antifesto interesting. Good stuff.

Well in other news, I'm back to skating after a 2 weeks hiatus. It feels great! We had a great practice last night. But not skating for a couple weeks really sets you back when you are developing your skills. I'm so proud of my girls too ( Jet City) the whole four of us at the moment... but one gal inparticular falls like a champ and just gets right back up for more. I'm just proud. We had a little interview with a guy from the Everett Herald. He was nice so hopefully his article will be too. I even told him my dirty little secret which I will share with you dear reader now...when he asked me where I am from (meaning originally) I confessed...Oak Harbor, WA. Yes it's true, I was born and raised there in Oak Harbor. No one is FROM Oak Harbor lol!!! I've only lived here in the metropolitan area for a few years. So there ya go. I always feel funny when I tell some one that I am from an island in the north sound, because most people think that I'm from somewhere cool like Guemes or Orcas...ummm nope.

Also last night one of the girls from the other group that we are rink sharing with for this month is an old coworker of mine! We worked together for an accounting firm in downtown Seattle when we had that big earthquake a few years ago. We stood in a doorway together freaking out watching the building sway. Talk about a bonding experience.

Okay one last thing for this mega entry. Folks in the Seattle area please come see me and my fellow i heart rummage friends at the Seattle Asian Art Museum from 3pm to 8pm other stuff: 
6 p.m. Taiko Drums on the Terrace 
6:30-8 p.m. Live Music by Carrie Akre 
8 p.m. Breakdancing by Massive Monkees B-boy Crew 
$2 Pomegranate Spritzer at the SAM TASTE Café 
Free Admission 
So woot!!! Come by if you can. ^_^

derby, babble, theastarr.com

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