lj interests meme

Sep 19, 2005 19:07

  1. asian americans:
    i am one.
  2. children:
    i have four.
  3. crafting:
    i do it.
  4. filipino american:
    again i am one.
  5. health:
    my mom is a nurse and i hear all sorts of info about dieases and such. my dad also died from complications from diabetes. so studies on kidneys & diabetes interest me too.
  6. jpop:
    i'm a jpop junkie.
  7. manga:
    i love it. i have so many manga books it's gross.
  8. organic food:
    i love it. i'd rather spend the extra duckets and feel good about giving my family cootie free foods.
  9. recycling:
    it's big up here and i'm all about it. i'm a recycling queen.
  10. stickers:
    its one of those things from childhood that i haven't let go of. i *still* have scratch n' sniff stickers in the original package from when i was a kid. i love stickers my beloved sewing machine is coevered with them.

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