First post (in a year)!

May 13, 2011 07:20

 Wow…Last night I just took a deep trip down memory lane. While scrambling last-minute finish up a scholarship application, I came across my LiveJournal Book I made back in the day with that tool that converted all your posts into a PDF. Anyway, it wasn't complete (it only went back to January of 2006, and I distinctly remember starting LiveJournal so I could document my time in Kyoto in 2005), but that's neither here nor there. It was fun to read all those old posts: baby frogs sneaking into my dorm room, obligatory personality quizzes, ranting about sucky creative writing classes, more obligatory personality quizzes, gushing over beautiful shoes, and…more quizzes. And I actually conversed with people! Who'dathunk?

It was actually nice to see I had a repository for my thoughts other than the back of my mind, which seems to be the usual place now a days. I have been trying to write more, but I've moved away from LJ and post things either in Facebook, comment on articles/discussions on the blogs I read, or work on my fiction. The downside to the first two is that there's no easy way to consolidate all of that writing; moreover, there wouldn't necessarily be any coherent threat in the whole thing.

Every now and then I think about reviving my LJ, or perhaps creating (another) Wordpress blog to replace what LJ did for me. I haven't taken the time to compare the two products and how they'd serve my needs, but I get the impression that WP is far more sophisticated and public, whereas LJ is old school like a traditional journal, necessarily more private and not super integrated with various social networking outlets. It seems like even when people use LJ as a public medium, it's for thinking out loud and brainstorming (which might be good for soliciting feedback for a new story I'm working on).

I dunno, my impression of the two could be way off. I should have been in bed a long time ago. At any rate, I miss journaling, it's quite different from blogging which is more polished broadcasting. Sometimes I need a place to spit something out for later regurgitation (yum, mental image) after reading something rather heady. Once I get this application sent, I may decide to truly go back to this. We'll see.

ramblings, random

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