Indy! Indiana!!!

May 21, 2008 20:52

Decided against going to see Indiana Jones tonight. We spent 8 hours photo copying and cutting out the same pattern for a 1909 dress for The Music Man. ZOMG. I think my brain cells are dying now.

Happiness is getting bras, and several bars of soap, in the mail. We forgot to buy soap when my parents took me to the store, and I forgot to tell mom I had packed travel bars (because I forgot I had them). Where the letter is that mom sent, I don’t know, but I’m very interested in getting it. I have a letter for my Manda, if I get her new address, it is all stamped and ready to go. I’m currently ripping tracks to my computer. Not a whole lot else to do. I got flour at Wal-Mart, a giant bag because I forgot to get it when I was at Giant Eagle yesterday. Very stupid. The famous footwear had sketchers with the goldfish brocade for $25, alas, not in my size, or I would have made off with them. It’s just as well I didn’t, I just spent $40 on Gingher scissors. A pair of dress making shears that matches my embroidery scissors (I was going to get the set, but then I thought, why do I want yet another pair of embroidery scissors?) and a pair of 5” sheers with decorative handles. That are totally unnecessary and strictly a splurge. The end.

Our draper, Clare, was telling me about steaming Captain Janeway’s uniform for auction at the Playhouse and listening to stories from Bob Blackman, Star Trek’s costumer, about clothing Seven of Nine. I pulled out my palm and showed her a picture of my mini Star Trek uniform, which she found hilarious. She brought in a fashion doll today and we ended up talking about American Girl dolls and how expensive the clothing patterns are for them now. Drapers, by the way, make patterns by draping fabric around a dress form and pinning it where they want it to go, and then marking it off with a fabric pencil. We’re making five custom shirts for the angels in Anything Goes. The patterns are just being cut out now. I’m having a great time, but I must say, I am a little envious of the kids next door who are singing and dancing. I miss singing. I miss dancing. They were running around in their taps before lunch and I wanted to join them in the worst way. I might possibly be joining the cast of The Music Man, courtesy my mad tuba playing skills. The high school band they had hired for the part backed out, so the director was scrambling trying to find instrumentalists within the Porthouse crew. I saw her this afternoon and asked if she needed a tuba player. Which she did, she was desperate for a tuba player and very enthusiastically and would place an order to rent one. If she remembers, and I actually end up in the cast, I’ll have to be here for the run of the show. I’m not sure where I would end up living in that case, but that problem will undoubtedly work itself out.

I have had several dejavous in the last couple of days. Not in any weird creepy kind of way but just snippets of conversation while I’ve been working in the shop make me shake my head because I haven’t been there before, but none the less.

It’s 8:54 already. We get out at 6 and the evening is just shot. I still have to sign up for direct deposit and get a student ID for Kent, which I will do tomorrow, which means I won’t have time to check Facebook >P. Yet another back dated entry for lj and probably a note for facebook as well, with will have to wait for Thursday… or Friday, I have no idea what day of the week it is.

My roommate Mandy is awesome. She loves Jane Austen, is trying to go to Europe and a bunch of other things. We went to Wal-Mart today and bought seeds and pots and soil. I planted colious and zinnias in the world’s tiniest pot. My pink tumblers may in fact become home to coleous and zinnia seedlings (if they actually sprout) at which point I will have to find a bigger container for them. We were going to see Indian Jones together, but we’re just too tired. Someone in the shop said the movie theatre does a $5 showing on Monday with a free bag of popcorn, so we’ll probably go then.

does anyone know how to spell "dejavous"?


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