Sketchavember catchup + mustard

Nov 23, 2010 07:28

Holiday week~ Most of my prep work is done for the Thanksgiving feast(s). I think I'm going to bake some gifts for neighbors in the coming few days. Otherwise, I'll probably have more time to kick back. My commissions are mostly computer ones and if I can pry myself away from the needy nippleyanker, I should find plenty of time to work.

(in her defense, she was just sick with a stomach bug. I can understand her being clingy)

Let's see...

First up, some sketches while watching Boardwalk Empire. On the page is some assistance from tiny. She drew a doodle and then asked me to draw the same. Super Turnip was born!

and then last night while watching Rin

I'm not sure what that feathery lizard is supposed to be at the bottom, but he eats babies. He said so.

I was watching some History channel truth about Thanksgiving something-or-other and noticed they clip the beaks of the turkeys in he turkey farm. I was kind of appalled. I can understand why they do it, but it manages makes an already ugly bird even uglier. Poor guys. Good thing turkeys are delicious.

sketch, original, boardwalk empire, oc, people, sketchavember, fanart, super turnip, boobs, pencil, animals, sketchaday

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