A little time away

Jan 19, 2010 09:08

(PMS induced?) depression sucker punched me Sunday night until I was hanging my head and dragging my feet. I felt it coming Friday night, I think, with a trickle of discontent that made me restless and unsatisfied. Sunday it really struck and I'm still riding out the misery. I just want to enjoy the quiet, take care of tiny, and seek entertainment from more neglected venues (still chipping away at Star Ocean). Happily, I can report that I've been sleeping well at night and I've been getting plenty of exercise and outside time. I've been putting that restless energy in to cleaning house rather than sitting in one place and fidgeting.

Mom's going under the knife tomorrow for her breast reduction. I can't be much help at the hospital as I don't drive and don't have transportation up there, but she has a friend helping her out. Then she has two weeks of recovery time, the first week of which, she tells me, she's going to crash out on my couch so I can be her nurse. I don't mind the intrusion. I really wouldn't have had it any other way. I just hope it doesn't disrupt my schedule too much.

Yesterday, I expected the plumber to come by and that hung over my head all day, even though they had to reschedule for this afternoon. The expectation of waiting for a serviceman to arrive always makes me itchy. I guess it's the intrusion of personal space. That and I've never done well waiting on other peoples' time.

So, I've cleaned my kitchen this morning after the laundry list of other morning chores. It's 9am and I should grab a bite to eat before I forget. I'm going to watch more "Freaks and Geeks" even though I haven't been enjoying it. I don't dislike it... I just can't say that it's particularly captivating beyond the nostalgia value. Netflix snuck another one out of my queue before I could catch them. After that, Simoun is up, I think. I'm looking forward to that.

Art's been a chore and I'm ashamed to admit I really haven't been productive on that front. I'm so frustrated by my lack of achievement in the past several years. Maybe I'm expecting too much out of myself.

I'm eating plenty of fruits and veggies lately with a minimal amount of meat. This helps me through the winter months. I don't feel so weighed down and greasy. WiiFit has been a good friend when I can't get out and walk on the ice, but my knees are really paying the price.

So, yeah, going to get breakfast now. Gonna wrap this up with a "Wow! January has a little over a week left?" I can't wait to see the bulbs pushing up. February is the longest and worst stretch in the season for me. Hurry, Spring~


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