Family Weekend

Oct 05, 2009 07:25

Traveled across state last weekend initially to attend Archon, but we looked at the price and management and said "screw it" and took a holiday weekend instead. We visited with family, saw Zombieland (bloody hilarious is the most accurate description ever), and generally bopped around town/hung out with friends, and enjoyed the cool, Autumn air. We came back with a few souvenirs and a sick baby, but it was worth it.

During that time, we met up with our friend psychousagi. We haven't seen her since our college days more or less. We all look a bit older, but we haven't changed too much. She posted pics from our Friday night visit to Toys'R'Us.

I have art to do for Motaku now. I'll write more later.

archon, family, travel, con, life

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