Another busy weekend

Sep 18, 2009 12:26

You know, all these busy weekends are really getting in the way of us moving! At this rate, we'll be putting the house on the market in Winter. Not good. But what can be done? Anyway, tomorrow is the KC Japan Festival. It looks like it'll be a blast! Any locals who want to join up, meet at our house at 11am and we'll set off to OP together. I don't know how long we'll be staying, but admission is $7, so I don't feel too hurt if we have to jet off earlier than closing ceremonies. If you want more info, google it.

Last night was a blast, hanging out and having a geekfest at Original Pizza. Good food, good friends, a harried little waitress. I hope everyone remembered to tip her! Man, business was slow.

Speaking of friends, I think for Richard's b-day party we should pick up a 12-pack of Jones Geekery and do a version of spin the bottle to choose who gets what flavor XD

I'm almost finished with Dissidia's story mode. I was delighted yesterday. After all that anticipation, I got to play through Zidane's storyline. I'm a fangirl and I won't apologize for it. I have to agree with emlan, the tail coming out of the butt thing has GOT to go. It looks like he has one of those tail plug fetishes. I saw a really cute adult movie based around that once.

Today started off with Journey. It's a great day. It's Friday, the weather is beautiful, and I got some yard work done. Hopefully, we can get one of our weekend errands out of the way tonight and free up one day to rest. Somewhere in all of this I need to finish art for Archon. I started weeks ago and never get the chance to touch it. Pitiful.

Mom made some good beef and veggie soup. It's a little salty, but very satisfying. Am I pregnant yet? We keep trying, but nothing's taking root. Oh well. Here's to more trying.

friends, dissidia, life, local

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