Sep 10, 2009 13:16
Each morning, I have a battle of wills with my two-year-old and my conscience for the attention I should pay to her. The morning is my best time to be creative while my mind is fresh (I'm a morning person) and being interrupted every few minutes is like sitting on the toilet and having someone burst in with a demand just as you're about to pinch one off. It's that kind of frustration and discomfort. I have all this inspiration and creative energy and just no outlet or physical energy to accomplish it. By the end of the day, I'm so drained, all I want to do is zombie out for a while.
I feel like such a heel for doing it, but I think I'm going to start shutting her in her room while I work. A safety fence might be a better option, but they're stupid expensive (to get a worthwhile one) and if it doesn't work for what it's intended, it'll be a waste. Maybe I can find one at a garage sale sometime. I'll keep an eye out anyway.
In the meanwhile, I've been playing through Story Modes on Dissidia and enjoying myself tremendously. I've decided to view this as a glorified fanfiction because they have a tendency to drag characters' personalities into the kiddie pool for safe, brainless wading. The way they focus on little aspects of the characters and as much as they repeat themselves is annoying, but it doesn't really diminish my love for the game. After you catch on to the battle system, everything moves more smoothly.
I think there are too many things happening in the periphery, like the chocobo treasure hunter and Mognet, but it's ways to incorporate more little elements of the series into the game.
After playing through both Cecil and Cloud's storylines (for difficulty ratings and the fact I'm going group by group) I have to say that I much preferred Cloud's style of fighting. I also feel like a dirty conformist whore saying this, but the Cloud vs. Sephiroth battle gave me goosebumps. The actual battle I played through, not the pre-recorded sequence. The action was very enjoyable and I really had to use some strategy.
Yeah, I know. Strategy in a fighting game. What's wrong with me? Just mash the buttons!
Tidus and Frioniel are next in the group. I think their difficulty rating jumps way up, but we'll see how it goes. I'm so pleased just to be playing a game I've waited for so long.
Hey, beats the hell out of Erghize!
...but then so does a knee in the gut.
(also, FFMUXers, you rock)